Human homeworld
The human homeworld is a location in the Mists from which the Six Gods brought humans to Tyria.[1][2][3] Little is known about this location, including its name and if it still exists. The Orrian History Scrolls' claims suggest that the homeworld may have faced some conflict or calamity, as the goddess Dwayna had promised to lead "her people to peace," which is said to have been fulfilled upon bringing humans to Tyria. Additionally, Lyssa helped them (the gods, humans, or both) forget the past, while only Abaddon truly remembered what had transpired in the Mists.[1] It is also known that humans "did not come with much magic of their own,"[4] and had to initially rely on ritualists invoking the power of the spirits during humanity's earliest years on Tyria before developing other magical professions.[5][6][7] This infers that the human homeworld had lower levels of ambient magic during the human exodus as worlds experiencing periods of high levels of ambient magic lead to births of beings with native access to magic as opposed to during periods of less magic.[8]
In modern times, the asura state that humans coming from another world in the Mists or within the Eternal Alchemy is an ancient belief that has no proof to support or deny it although the possibility is plausible given the powers wielded by the gods who are connected to humans.[9]
- Enduring Icicle has referred to the Forgotten as "beings from the gods' realm." However, it is unclear if the Forgotten originate from the human homeworld or some other location in the Mists tied to the Six Gods.
See also[edit]
- ^ a b Orrian History Scrolls
- ^ Cathedral of Silence
- The Seventh Reaper: So shall it be. You seek the heart of Orr? Then you must go to the very beginning. The rock where the gods first set foot upon this world.
- The Seventh Reaper: There is an artesian well hidden in the mountains behind the temple of Melandru. There, you will find the place where Orr began.
- ^ GuildMag issue #1 Q&A with Ree Soesbee, (Archived)
- Ree Soesbee: I can say that [the Seers] are one of the oldest races of Tyria, dating back long before the Gods brought the humans to the world.
- ^ Comment by Angel McCoy, Old Guild Wars 2 Forums (Archived)
- Angel McCoy: Humans (including Canthan humans) were brought to Tyria ( spoilers!). They are not native to Tyria and did not come with much magic of their own.
- ^ Ritualist Elder
- ^ An Empire Divided
- ^ 2RP's Lore Interview with ArenaNet, (Archived)
- Q: Back before humans were granted magic, ritualists were believed to use something similar to (but not) magic. Will we ever see this alternative energy used, or has it faded in history?
- Scott McGough: The alternate magical energy employed by ritualists has fallen out of general usage, as illustrated by the absence of ritualists in Guild Wars 2. The techniques ritualists used for casting spells are still valid, but in the 250 years since Guild Wars, Tyria has learned and mastered more efficient ways of casting spells. It's analogous to telegraph technology—it still functions and it still does the job of communicating across long distances, but in modern times there are newer, better ways to communicate so the old ways are effectively defunct.
- Q: Was the energy ritualists used something that tied into dragon corruption, or are they two different energies entirely?
- Scott McGough: The Guild Wars ritualist methods and techniques for casting spells/using magic are unrelated to the Elder Dragons.
- ^ [VO] Questions to Angel Leigh McCoy, Espirits d'Orr (Archived)
- Angel McCoy: All creatures in Tyria have a natural ability to access and use magic. It is EXTREMELY rare that a person is born who does not have access to magic, and current theory implies this happens only when magic is at its lowest point in the world—after the dragons have been awake and consuming it for some time.
- ^ The Six: Being or Playing God