Living World Season 4 content

Help the people of Yatendi village

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Help the people of Yatendi village

Yatendi Village
(Jahai Bluffs)
Renown NPC
Village Head Azi
You aided the citizens of Yatendi.
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin
675 Karma
20,320 Experience.png

Interactive map

Help gather, grow, and distribute food; make the town safer from drakes; destroy Branded and clear Brand Accumulation.

— Heart objective

Help the people of Yatendi village is a renown heart in Yatendi Village, Jahai Bluffs.


Contributing actions[edit]

Contributing events[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Drive the Branded out of Yatendi (80) — 30% heart progress
Event swords (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Branded champions (80) — ?% [verification requested] heart progress for success and 10% heart progress for failure

Completion message[edit]

Renown Heart completion (cropped).png

Yatendi Village Is Safe and Fed

Down here, between the Brand and the empty fortress, life hasn't been easy. But we're making it through one day at a time, thanks to you.

Village Head Azi

You get:
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin 675 Karma 20,320 Experience.png

Complete heart (map icon).png Merchant Unlocked: Village Head Azi