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Help the living and the dead at the Necropolis

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Help the living and the dead at the Necropolis

The Necropolis
(Domain of Vabbi)
Renown NPC
Embalmer Boran
Necropolis supported.
Scout (map icon).png Scout
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin
675 Karma
20,320 Experience.png

Interactive map

Comfort mourners, honor the dead, prepare bodies for judgment, and defend the Necropolis from threats.

— Heart objective

Help the living and the dead at the Necropolis is a renown heart at The Necropolis in the Domain of Vabbi.


Contributing actions[edit]

  • Pick up Wildflowers and throw/offer them (throwing can hit multiple targets for increased heart progress) to:
    • Mourning nobles and villagers or any Awakened — 3% heart progress
    • Neglected Caskets — 4% heart progress
    • A Mortar and throw the resulting incense into a fire — 5% heart progress
  • Pick up Mummy Wrappings and use them to clean neglected caskets — 1% heart progress
  • Catch an organ and put it in the appropriate canopic jar — 5% heart progress
  • Kill:
    • Animals — 1% heart progress per kill
    • Forged — 3% heart progress per kill
    • Forged veterans — 5% heart progress per kill
    • Forged Prowlers — 1% heart progress per kill
    • Forged champion — 0-10% heart progress per kill
  • Complete Necropolis Embalming Supply Run — 5% heart progress

Contributing events[edit]

Completion message[edit]

Renown Heart completion (cropped).png

Our Sincerest Thanks

You showed tremendous respect for our dead and the ceremonies by which we honor them. You have our eternal gratitude.

You get:
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin 675 Karma 20,320 Experience.png

Complete heart (map icon).png Merchant Unlocked: Embalmer Boran


The completion message shows: "Merchant Unlocked: Funeral Director Kamali", but the heart merchant is called Embalmer Boran.