Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Eventide's March (point of interest)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the point of interest. For the Secrets of the Obscure story chapter, see Eventide's March.

Eventide's March

Point of Interest
Defiled Cradle
(Inner Nayos)
Game link

Eventide's March (point of interest).jpg

Click to enlarge.

Interactive map

Eventide's March is a point of interest in the Defiled Cradle, within Inner Nayos. It is a sacred place for the Kryptis, considered to be where the dead pass on and where their fellow Kryptis go to mourn.[1] As such, foraging near it is taboo.[2] General Nephus was once nearly defeated in a battle at Eventide's March during the Fourth Disquiet.[3]


  1. ^ Field Report
  2. ^ Defiled Cradle ambient dialogue between Aretha and Ozias
    Aretha: You're not really going to Eventide's March tomorrow, are you?
    Ozias: I have to. We're running low on food and there's supposed to be some good forage in that area.
    Aretha: But it's a sacred place! We're not supposed to go there! It's fit only as passage for the dead.
    Ozias: We'll be joining them soon if I don't go. There's no other option. I'm going, and that's that.
  3. ^ Eventide's March
    General Nephus: Labris is in a difficult position—she didn't expect to have to defend herself at Eventide's March.
    General Nephus: I nearly suffered defeat here once myself during the Fourth Disquiet. It's not a particularly defensible position.