Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Elona Fractal Research

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Elona Fractal Research

Torn Page 2.jpg

Wizard's Ascent
(Skywatch Archipelago)
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Interactive map

Elona Fractal Research is an object located in Wizard's Ascent within the Skywatch Archipelago. It is found in the same room as the Faction Provisioner, which is accessible by walking directly south from Beacon of Ages Waypoint.


Horn of Maguuma


Elona Fractal Research

The Elona fractal has seen a significant deterioration as Balthazar has solidified control and pressed the majority of the population into his service. At this stage, it seems unlikely that even the full forces of the Pact could alter the outcome. It is likely that his attention will spread to the rest of Tyria soon.

Conclusion: The negative impact of the gods on Tyria cannot be overstated. They are unstable and potentially catastrophic variables that are difficult to account for and impossible to contain. It is our clear recommendation that for Tyria to thrive, they must never be allowed to return here.