Drive back Underworld creatures by destroying portals in the Heartwoods

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Drive back Underworld creatures by destroying portals in the Heartwoods

Interactive map

Interactive map

Drive back Underworld creatures by destroying portals in the Heartwoods is a level 11 event that takes place in the Heartwoods.


  • Underworld portals destroyed: x/3


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 472 Experience.png 63 Karma 14 Copper coin
Silver 402 Experience.png 54 Karma 12 Copper coin
Bronze 354 Experience.png 48 Karma 11 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 10 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





  • This event happens at the same time at the monastery and in Taminn Foothills. When all three events are done, a Godslost Swamp portal spawns at the Heartwoods to teleport you to the heart of the swamp for the next event in the chain.