Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Box of Concoctions

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Box of Concoctions

Box of Concoctions is an object found at Bastionmere and the Veranda during events in the Bastion of the Natural, and at the Cosmic Theater Ring in the Bastion of the Celestial while the Guardian of the Natural is being summoned. Players can interact with them to choose a concoction to throw at Kryptis.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of the Natural (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png Defeat the anomalous tentacle and close the rift (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Help Zizel test the freshly made concoctions on the Kryptis (80)


This box is filled with various concoctions along with a list of descriptions from Zizel.
Tick green.png Grab the bomb concoction. (Grants  Throw Bomb Concoction.png Throw Bomb Concoction)
Tick green.png Grab the attractor concoction. (Grants  Throw Healing Concoction.png Throw Attractor Concoction)
Tick green.png Grab the sticky concoction. (Grants  Throw Enraging Concoction.png Throw Sticky Concoction)
Tick green.png Grab the transformation concoction. (Grants  Throw Transformation Concoction.png Throw Transformation Concoction)
Talk end option tango.png Leave.


See also[edit]