Living World Season 1 content

Victory Speech

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Victory Speech

Omadd's Diary (Scarlet's Secret Lair) location.jpg

Scarlet's Secret Lair
(Durmand Priory)

Victory Speech is a book found during the Battle for Lion's Arch release, it can be accessed from the console in Scarlet's Lair during the Connecting the Pieces story step.

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 1[edit]


Victory Speech

Normally I'd wing this sort of thing over a holo-broadcast, but the occasion merits some special attention and a proper editor; it's been a movment since I've written anything other than my research notes.

I'm no saviour, no hero in gleaming armor with glorious purpose. Though, I thought in light of my success triamph I should take a moment to thank all of the friends and mentors who helped make this victory possible.

My dear Pale Mother. It's only natural that you'd protect your children from the darker truths of this world, but as a born truth-seeker, I was glad eager to lift this privilege burden weight from you.

To Jennah, who could should have listened. I hope your tea biscuits taste of Divinity's Reach's fear and your gardens smell of your dead.

Omadd. Sweet, insignificant ignorant Omadd. I hope you feel this. I hope it hurts, just a little.

To my alliances. You were all so brave... and compliant.

And finally, Mai Trin. If you haven't fallen to the...Pact Commander, I assume you'll be listening when I give this speech. Perhaps nearby, under the weight of my boot. Wouldn't that be something. You and your friends have meddled with my plans at every turn. I'm almost flattered, in a way. I've always wanted a proper rival. Come find me at the grand finale; I've got some toys that'll finally help you and your friends kick that nasty breathing habit once and for all.

Thank you, good night, and good luck.

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