The majority of these guides were written for the purpose of helping out [EDGE] guild members looking to learn how to raid. If you have navigated here by some dark magic of internet browsing but aren't from EDGE, welcome anyways. Please do not harass any of the accounts that you see in these guides. Thanks!
Guide Archive[edit]
Beginnger's Guide to Raiding[edit]
ArcDPS Guides[edit]
- Basic ArcDPS Guide
- Analysing
- GW2Raidar
The Build Notebook[edit]
I hope these guides have been at least slightly helpful in helping you start on your raiding adventures. Sometimes, however, I've forgotten how to look at something with new eyes and might gloss over something I thought was obvious but isn't.
The guide is far from comprehensive, and don't offer a huge amount on all the classes because I simply haven't had the time to write a full novel on all the raid builds out there. In the case that you have specific questions, go ahead and ask me any questions that you have. I play Oceanic times and not as much as I used to so it might be harder for NA folks to catch me ingame, so I have also provided the contacts of some fellow EDGE members who are just as able, and some more able, to answer your questions.
Clair/Sneaky (ME)[edit]
Ingame: Sneakytank.3851 Discord: clairyx#5310 Specialties: All current meta raid builds as well as most alternative and non-meta builds Healing and Support
Ingame: Stackcats Discord: Stackcats#2309 Specialties: All meta raid builds and most alternative builds DPS God - best person to ask for tips for improving self dps Master of mechanics Leads Raids/Trainings
Ingame: Hokkelle Discord: Hokk#0971 Specialties: All current meta builds and some alternative Leading raids and tanking Can talk you to death Rando asshat (self proclaimed)
Ingame: Lorathiel Discord:Stalgonoff#8528 Specialties: Chrono Tanking Leading Raids
Ingame: Discord: killohurtz#6720 Specialties: Great druid Multiclass wonder Holosmith