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Unhindered Combatant

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Unhindered Combatant.png

Unhindered Combatant

Daredevil icon small.png Daredevil (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
Game link
Unhindered Combatant

Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that removes inhibiting conditions and grants swiftness and damage reduction. Removing conditions in this way temporarily reduces endurance gain.

Crippled.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (0.1s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Crippled.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (2s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Chilled.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (0.1s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Chilled.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (3s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Immobile.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (0.1s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Immobile.pngExhaustion.png Exhaustion (4s): -100% Endurance Regeneration
Unhindered Combatant.png Unhindered Combatant (4s): -10% Incoming Condition Damage, -10% Incoming Damage

— In-game description

Trait skill[edit]

Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Temp icon (orange).png Dash 0.75¾ Remove conditions and gain swiftness, then rush forward and evade attacks.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 25, 2024
  • Reduced the duration of the exhaustion effect to 0.1 seconds for all conditions in PvE only.
October 26, 2021
  • Multiplicative damage reduction enhancements have been updated to display how much damage was reduced by rather than displaying how much the damage is multiplied by. For example, protection now displays "-33% Damage" instead of "67% damage." This is not a change to functionality; it is only a change to display the bonus in a more intuitively understandable way.
October 05, 2021
  • All effects that provide a percentage reduction to incoming damage have been standardized to stack multiplicatively.
March 05, 2019
  • The duration of exhaustion that this trait applies when dodging is now 2 seconds if crippled is present, 3 seconds if chilled is present, and 4 seconds if immobilized is present. Exhaustion will now be applied when the dodge is initiated.
November 07, 2017
  • Breaking inhibiting conditions with this trait now causes the thief to lose all endurance regeneration for 4 seconds.
    • Direct endurance gains will still apply the full amount.
  • Swiftness granted by this trait will now occur at the end of the dodge.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Unhindered Combatant has been added to the game.