The Lost Shores/Prelude
Before the actual release of The Lost Shores, a series of events, NPCs, and objects foreshadowing the release were added with the November 1st, 2012 update with the removal of Halloween 2012. In addition, with the November 15th, 2012 update, a final series of previews for The Lost Shores content was added in the same patch that would launch The Lost Shores content itself.
November 1[edit]
The destroyed Lion's Court statue and seal over the portal made by Mad King Thorn were removed, replaced with lumber and scaffolding as workers began rebuilding the fabled statue. Along Claw Island Portage, a new building, the Consortium Gift Shop was added alongside an inactive asura gate (this was players' first interaction with the Consortium).
Three new Lionguard ships appeared through Sanctum Harbor as well. One at Claw Island Portage, one at Macha's Landing, and one at the harbor's entrance.These ships held cargo showing the Consortium emblem.
Two new posters were added as well, one throughout the city (and inside the gift shop) and one along the beaches of Sanctum Harbor:
Presumably unintended, some players found a fourth ship sunk beneath the Claw Island Portage ship, the asura gate becoming active, as well as parts of the prelude added later.
November 2[edit]
Non-interactive Humpback Whales began appearing over time, beached along the Sanctum Harbor, with Fishers nearby each tending to them. Water Buckets also appeared nearby, allowing players to water the beached whales.
In addition, ArenaNet released two halves of the Avast! poster via social media.[1][2]
November 5[edit]
Two new posters began to appear in Lion's Arch, in the Consortium Gift Shop and elsewhere.
In addition, ArenaNet released the sea monster poster via social media.[3]
November 7[edit]
During an update, the whales and posters were removed. The posters were re-added at a later, unknown date, presumably the 15th.
November 15[edit]
Head Researcher Levvi and her krewe (Research Assistant Bardus, Researcher Triuna Darktide, and Researcher Farrowyn) were added to the Grand Piazza, along with Captain Magnus, Inspector Ellen Kiel, and the rest of the Captain's Council to the Crow's Nest Tavern. During this time, Magnus and Kiel patrolled between the Crow's Nest Tavern and Grand Piazza; whenever they stopped at the Grand Piazza, a short dialogue played with Levvi where the asura tried to warn Magnus of oddities in the sea but was ignored.
In addition, the Consortium Gift Shop was expanded, added Subdirector Blingg to the area who teased the Consortium's intended new resort. Two new Points of Interest - at Macha's Landing and the Consortium Gift Shop - were added, drawing players' attention to the areas.
- When Magnus reached the Grand Piazza
- Head Researcher Levvi: I've shown you the evidence. My conclusions are inescapable. Why won't you listen to me?
- Magnus the Bloody-Handed: I have listened. In fact, I'm sick of listening to you. The council has already ruled on this.
- Magnus the Bloody-Handed: We're not shutting down the world's busiest port because a machine spat out some numbers that made your ears twitch.
- Magnus the Bloody-Handed: When Lion's Arch is in real danger, the Lionguard will respond. Until then, sling your hook and shove off!
- Levvi walks back to her krewe's station.
- Head Researcher Levvi: Big surprise: Magnus still won't act. He and his precious council only care about commerce.
- Head Researcher Levvi: He won't listen until those readings we've been taking manifest as something he can hit.
- Researcher Farrowyn: By then it may be too late. Thorns! What do we do?
- Head Researcher Levvi: We keep researching. Something's coming, something big, and someone has to prepare for it.
- Consortium Gift Shop
- Subdirector Blingg: Citizens-coming soon, the newest and most unique resort destination in all of Tyria! Brought to you by the Consortium!
- Talking with the Head Researcher Levvi
- Head Researcher Levvi: Was there something you needed? I've got a lot to contend with right now. Research, politics, the price of magistatic fuses... There's a cavalcade of concerns in my cranium.
- My team and I are studying oceanographic trends and biotheric wave patterns. Our data points to something big and bad about to happen.
- Biotherics is a field of study I am currently pushing to its limits. It measures the energy generated by a living creature. We're seeing some big, big waves.
- I can't say just yet. But between these larger-than-life readings, the shipwrecks, and all the stuff washing up on the shore—whales and whatnot—I think it's worth a depper look.
- Are those the only readings? (Same as below)
- Have you warned the Captain's Council? (Same as below)
- I have more questions.
- Good luck with your research.
What do you think it means?
- I'm seeing a few hot spots with echoes of these big waves, but the readings are mostly focused here, near Lion's Arch.
- Have you warned the Captain's Council? (Same as below)
- That's unsettling. I hope you can figure it out.
Are those the only readings?
- Believe me, I tried. I can't even get into their supersecret chambers to address them. Magnus thinks I'm just a crank...which is okay, because I think he's just an oaf.
- Alright, but hurry. Remember: cavalcade of concerns.
- What are you doing here in Lion's Arch? (Same as "What are you up to here?")
- Did you say Lion's Arch was in danger? (Same as below)
- You've got a remarkably diverse krewe. (Same as "Interesting krewe you've got there. Quite a diverse mix.")
- Never mind. I'll leave you to your work.
I'd like to ask you something else.
- Good luck convincing them.
Have you warned the Captain's Council?
- I have some questions. (Same as "I'd like to ask you something else.")
- Good luck sorting that out.
Wait...what kind of wave patterns?
- I have a few questions. (Same as "I'd like to ask you something else.")
- Good luck sorting that out.
What are you up to here?
- You did, because it is. I've got biotheric readings that are off the charts. That means something's out there, something big. And it's getting closer.
- What kind of readings? (Same as "Wait...what kind of patterns?")
- What do you think it is? (Same as "What do you think it means?")
- Are there any other readings? (Same as "Are those the only readings?")
- Have you warned the council? (Same as "Have you warned the Captain's Council?")
- Sounds scary. I hope you figure it out soon.
Did I hear you say Lion's Arch was in danger?
- It's only a krewe in an unofficial sense. I chose the members of my team based on their skill sets, not on what college they attended or how big their parents' ears were.
- I'd like to ask you something else. (Same as "I'd like to ask you something else.")
- Very progressive of you. I'll let you get back to work.
Interesting krewe you've got there. Quite a diverse mix.
- Don't let me interrupt. I'll talk to you later.
- Talking with the Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed
- Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Make it quick, you salty dog. I've got a city to protect, and if I stay out here too long, I get mired in other people's problems.
- I'm the guy in charge. I run the Lionguard. I sit on the Captain's Council. That means I'm always busy. So get to the point, or I'll show you why they call me "Magnus the Bloody-Handed.
- You've got sand, lubber. I'll give you that. If the "Cormorant" wasn't fully crewed, I might take you on as a deck-scrubber. Now, did you want something? Other than a whack from my belaying pin?
- I did have a few more questions.
- No, I'm done here. See you round, Bloody Hands.
Go on, show me. I ain't scared of you. (Barbaric)
- I have a few questions.
- Sorry to bother you. Carry on, Captain.
Who are you?
- That's Levvi. She argues with anybody who doesn't think she's right all the time. Lately she's on about "spikes in the telemetry readout" and "troubling data trends." Which is bad, apparently.
- I'm more concerned about heavy fog and crosswinds. We have a history of those. As far as I know, telemetry and data trends never sank a ship.
- What for? It's all numbers in the air. If there's a storm or a brawl or a ship full of ghost pirates, I'll be there. But charts and graphs? Those are for navigators, not Lionguard.
- I have a few more questions.
- I hope you're right. Good-bye.
Maybe you should get her to explain her concerns better.
- I have more questions.
- I guess not. See you around, Captain.
Are you concerned about her findings?
- I have a few more questions.
- Thanks for talking with me. Good-bye.
Did I hear you arguing with that asura?
- Look around. What do you see? A port's port, filled with pirates, thugs, merchants, and other ne'er-do-wells. Ships come in, ships go out, and everyone makes money. That's Lion's Arch.
- I have some more questions.
- I'll let you get back to it, then.
This city is incredible. Can you tell me more about it?
- Never mind. I can see you're busy.
- Talking with the Inspector Ellen Kiel
- Inspector Ellen Kiel: On behalf of the Lionguard, enjoy your time in Lion's Arch.
- To back up Captain Irondawn. As both leader of the Lionguard and member of the Captain's Council, he's in high demand. Some demand too hard. I'm here for their safety.
- I'll let you get back to it, then.
What's your job in the Lionguard?
- Thanks very much.
- Talking to Researcher Farrowyn
- Research Farrowyn: ???
- Talking to Researcher Triuna Darktide
- Research Triuna Darktide: ???
- Talking to Research Assistant Bardus
- Research Assistant Bardus: As an ex-soldier, I can tell you Researcher Levvi's tougher than ten drill sergeants. She gets results.
- Keep up the good work.
- Outside Consortium Gift Short
- Subdirector Blingg: Citizens–coming soon, the newest and most unique resort destination in all of Tyria! Brought to you by the Consortium!
- Talking to Subdirector Blingg
- Subdirector Blingg: ???
- ^ Left half of poster,
- ^ Right half of poster,
- ^ Sea monster poster,