Talk:Game updates/2013-03-07

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Still no effort to reduce lag and overpopulation for all world events? Glad Anet has it's priority's down, enjoy your overflow! Smoke 03:26, 8 March 2013 (UTC)

Fixing bugs vs letting farmers attend every single world event? I think your sarcasm is misguided. User Kirbman signature.png talk 04:28, 8 March 2013 (UTC)
How about letting ANYONE attend ANY world event? The "Farmers" you're referring to hit every event because they have to arrive 30min early or miss the event completely. The map is on overflow 10min before window. I don't know what server you're on, but top tier servers are completely full, and theres so much lag Jormag cant even attack! the server is so full the dragon lags! Smoke 07:40, 8 March 2013 (UTC)
The lag was fixed several days ago. Events overflow more than usual, but the lag doesn't happen really anymore for those who are lucky enough to show up. I was more looking forward to them fixing the Retribution story quest, but alas. 17:19, 8 March 2013 (UTC)

Considering that the last patch before this one was intended to stop players from getting rewards from a single event more than once on a single character, I'd consider guesting on servers to get more drops an exploit. It's an exploit that stops other high levels from progressing at the same pace and conforms to a farmers mentality. I know, because it's what I've been reduced to, in order to attend the events. I now have to go to the events 30 minutes before spawn, and then wait through to spawn window also, just so I can get drops. Other wise I get put into overflow and I don't get to do the events. It's pretty sad considering that the dynamic events of the game are what made GW2 what it is today. To suggest that I shouldn't be able to attend any given event on my own home server is asinine, considering it's one of the key features of the game that's advertised. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Likwidsage (talkcontribs) at 17:38, 8 March 2013 (UTC).

If we all stay at our own worlds, the problems would be much less. There are so many world events going on that you can easily get them in your own world. Also, the drops are NOT worth a 30 min wait. While I still agree that guesting to farm world events is an exploit and should be fixed in some way, I think you are contributing to the problem too, while also reducing your own player experience (and loot). There's no winning in guest farming, not even for you. Qiff 22:50, 14 March 2013 (UTC)