Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Sins of Kaineng

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Sins of Kaineng

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Sins of Kaineng is an object that can be found on a crate northeast of Kestrel's Vow Waypoint in Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03.


Horn of Maguuma


Sins of Kaineng

How many times did we warn them? Over and over we told them of the dangers of their precious technology; of the crime they were committing against the natural order. But did any of them listen? Not one. Instead they just kept on with it, creating new mechanical horrors with each new dawn.

Now they flee to the woods and ask for our protection. They should have to beg! They've endangered us all with their recklessness. Still, there is opportunity here to grow our numbers as we bring them in. Then, one day, we can retake the city and dismantle every abomination they ever built.