Roller Beetle Rental

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Roller Beetle Rental are mount rentals that temporarily rent a Roller Beetle mount. They can be found near mount races or adventures.


Maguuma Jungle
Shiverpeak Mountains

Historical locations[edit]

The Mists


Don't have a trained roller beetle of your own? We offer rentals for one silver an hour!
Talk give option tango.png That's quite generous of you. Thanks!
Talk end option tango.png I'm not interested, thanks.
Jade Brotherhood rental
Take it from me, pal, you'll want a well-greased roller beetle for this job. For a few silver, I can loan you one of these fine steeds for an hour. I'll even throw in a whistle to call it.
Talk give option tango.png I'd like to rent a roller beetle. (Pay 10 silver)
Talk end option tango.png Maybe another time.
Halloween rental
Don't have a trained roller beetle of your own? We offer rentals for a small amount of servitute to the Mad King, payable at a later date!
Talk give option tango.png That's quite generous of you. Thanks!
Talk end option tango.png I'm not interested, thanks.


Asura greets
No refunds!