Reward track loot box
Reward track loot boxes are a special kind of container awarded by both PvP Reward Tracks and WvW Reward Tracks. In some tracks they are called "cache" instead "loot box".
Currently, they're among the few containers in the game affected by Magic Find.
Although the exact drop table varies from loot box to loot box, most loot boxes follow a similar pattern:
- 1 guaranteed random piece of equipment of at least Masterwork rarity, or 1 Piece of Unidentified Gear for level 80 rewards. The level of this piece of equipment will be the same as the level of the character opening the box (if the box scales, see below) or up to four levels below, with a minimum of 14. For instance, a level 50 character will get level 46-50 gear, and a level 10 character will always get level 14 gear.
- Chance for one
Spirit Shard. Only once per box.
- Chance for an additional random piece of equipment of at least Basic rarity. Only once per box. [verification requested]
- Chance for up to 5 additional random drops, usually materials, containers, salvage items and junk. The same drop may appear multiple times in this slot. The same drop may appear multiple times in these random slots.
Drops will vary depending on the type of creature the loot box is named after. For example, inquest boxes will drop inquest containers.
Albeit extremely rare, loot boxes may drop ascended equipment (ascended trinkets and Ascended chests) on either equipment drop slot.
The level and maximum rarity of the equipment and the tier of the materials, containers, salvage items and junk obtained by opening PvP loot boxes are determined by the level of the character opening the loot box only when the character is in some specific maps :
- World Versus World Maps (including all borderlands, Edge of the Mists and the Obsidian Sanctum);
- Fractals of the Mists lobby;
- Heart of the Mists.
When the character is standing in cities, in the open world or in an instance, the boxes may only partially scale and part will instead yield level 80 rewards.