Restore normalcy in New Loamhurst

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Restore normalcy in New Loamhurst

New Loamhurst
(Lake Doric)
Renown NPC
Elder Vern
You helped restore the village.
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin
675 Karma
20,320 Experience.png

Interactive map

Plant flowers, decorate, put out fires, collect fish, and defeat any White Mantle hiding in the village.

— Heart objective

Restore normalcy in New Loamhurst is a renown heart in New Loamhurst, Lake Doric.


Contributing actions[edit]

Contributing events[edit]

White Mantle Control: New Loamhurst — spawns additional White Mantle in middle of the village if it's under their control
Event flag (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate New Loamhurst from the White Mantle (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate New Loamhurst from the White Mantle (80)
Event star (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate New Loamhurst from the White Mantle (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defend New Loamhurst from White Mantle attackers (80) — 10% heart progress on success
Event star (tango icon).png [Group Event] Stop the Reinforcements (80) — 10% heart progress on success
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Help the Watchknight Defeat the Jade Construct! (80) — ?% heart progress[verification requested]
Event cog (tango icon).png Destroy the Jade Cannon (80) — 10% heart progress on success
Event collect (tango icon).png Assist in the restoration of New Loamhurst by finding seafood and other goods for the people of the village (80) — 10% heart progress on success, 1% heart progress for contributing action
Event shield (tango icon).png Escort the Priest from Lakeside Bazaar to the Temple of the Six (80) [verification requested]
Event swords (tango icon).png Defend the Temple of the Six and its worshippers from the White Mantle (80) — 10% heart progress on success
Event swords (tango icon).png Defeat the White Mantle attacking Seraph troops (80) — 10% heart progress on success

Completion message[edit]

Renown Heart completion (cropped).png

A Note of Thanks

New Loamhurst has endured much since its founding, but nothing on the scale of the war that landed on our doorstep. With you help and the continued support of the Seraph, however, we will be victorious. No matter what happens to us, we will always replant and rebuild. Thank you for all that you've done.

Elder Vern

You get:
3 Silver coin 38 Copper coin 675 Karma 20,320 Experience.png

Complete heart (map icon).png Merchant Unlocked: Elder Vern