Protect Cerin while he investigates Serenity Temple

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Protect Cerin while he investigates Serenity Temple

Interactive map

Interactive map

Protect Cerin while he investigates Serenity Temple is a level 45 event in Deserter Flats, Blazeridge Steppes.


  • Historian Cerin
  • Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,963 Experience.png 221 Karma 51 Copper coin
Silver 2,518 Experience.png 188 Karma 44 Copper coin
Bronze 2,222 Experience.png 166 Karma 39 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 45 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before the event begins
Historian Cerin: Amazing! Come, look at this.
Priory Scribe Laeg: Is that one of the new artifacts?
Historian Cerin: Yes. But see these striations here? I believe this is part of a much bigger piece.
Historian Cerin: I need to investigate this. I'll need some volunteers.
Historian Cerin: You there, you look intrepid enough. Care to risk life and limb for the thrill of discovery?
Upon event start
Historian Cerin: Follow me. I'll take you there.
Historian Cerin: Now, where did this little gem come from?
Historian Cerin: No, no. Wrong. The striations don't match.
Historian Cerin: Close, but the scoring on this piece isn't quite right.
Upon event completion
Historian Cerin: This is it! The material, the finely detailed scoring, the art... they all match!
Historian Cerin: I need a closer look at this beauty. It could be the find of the century!


  • This event fails if Cerin dies, as he cannot be revived.