Prevent Wiley's pirates from stealing the sunken treasure

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Prevent Wiley's pirates from stealing the sunken treasure

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prevent Wiley's pirates from stealing the sunken treasure is a level 32 event in Lake Gendarr. It occurs in a sunken ship south of the Provern Shore Waypoint.


  • Treasure Stolen: x/5
  • Time remaining: 5:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,500 Experience.png 162 Karma 38 Copper coin
Silver 1,275 Experience.png 138 Karma 32 Copper coin
Bronze 1,125 Experience.png 122 Karma 28 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 32 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Lionguard Jennen: Found it! Here's where the pirates sunk our trading ship.
Lionguard Jennen: Look, just as I suspected. They're back to finish the job and steal the treasure.
Lionguard Jennen: It'll still be some time before our reinforcements get here.
Lionguard Jennen: We'll need to stall them until help arrives.
On Provern Shore
Champion Captain Wiley: Ah, here's the treasure, just as I anticipated. Now, get it to the surface!
Buccaneer Sapper: Aye, aye, Captain!
Champion Captain Wiley: Nothing sweetens my day like putting one over on the Lionguard.
During event
Champion Captain Wiley: Live and let live? Nah! Live and get rich!
Lionguard Jennen: Ha! Lousy pirates couldn't steal an egg from a sick moa. Keep up the good work!
Champion Captain Wiley: Kick your flippin' flippers! Move it!
Upon success
Champion Captain Wiley: I'll keelhaul you all for letting this happen!
Upon failure
Lionguard Jennen: Blast it! Those pirates got away with the treasure. (sigh) I'll report this to Lion's Arch.