Pact Beacon

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Pact Beacon

Pact Beacons are Pact devices found in Mirror Bay, and other places, placed mostly by Scout Variloo to warn Quaggan refugees that the area was dangerous. Similar in appearance to waypoints found in Orr, their design strongly suggests that they are made using asura technology.


Ruins of Orr


In Strait of Malediction, during Destroy the Risen krait nimross and free the trapped Pact crew
Distress. Pact—galleon—needs—assistance.
Tick green.png Where's this galleon?
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Can't help right now.
In Mirror Bay, during Cull the Risen hylek
Warning. Dangerous—waters. Undead—hylek—swarm—present. Nearby.
Tick green.png I can help. Where should I go?
Calculating—calculating—calculations—complete. Coordinates—added—to—map—output. Have—a—nice—day.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the warning.
In Mirror Bay, during Defeat the undead hylek petmaster and his pet
Warning. Dangerous—waters—ahead. Powerful—undead—detected.
Tick green.png Where?
Calculating—calculating—calculations—complete. Coordinates—added—to—map—output. Have—a—nice—day.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png I'll swim around.