Destroy the Risen krait nimross and free the trapped Pact crew

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Destroy the Risen krait nimross and free the trapped Pact crew

Interactive map

Interactive map

Destroy the Risen krait nimross and free the trapped Pact crew is a level 73 event that takes place near the sea floor in the Strait of Malediction.


  • Champion Risen Krait Nimross
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,936 Experience.png 347 Karma 81 Copper coin
Silver 10,996 Experience.png 295 Karma 69 Copper coin
Bronze 9,702 Experience.png 260 Karma 61 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 73 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Champion Risen Krait Nimross: Doom comes for you all.
Champion Risen Krait Nimross: Death cannot be beaten.
Champion Risen Krait Nimross: Zhaitan is eternal.
Explorer Nami: That undead krait nimross must be the key to our captivity. Please destroy it and free us!
Upon success
Agent Suitne: We're free, but which way do we go now? We don't stand a chance in these waters without a ship.
Explorer Nami: We can't just retreat and abandon the supplies. Our forces are counting on us to deliver.
Agent Kanan: It's unwise to stay here.
Agent Chiquel: I agree. We must retreat now, before the Risen find us.
Explorer Nami: We can use the wreck of our ship as cover from the Risen.
Agent Suitne: That's not a bad short term[sic] plan, provided our forces find us soon.