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Missing Brood

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Missing Brood is a collection Inner Nayos Mastery III Mastery achievement.


This achievement rewards items.This achievement rewards a title. Missing Brood Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros 10Achievement points
Find Kosmas's missing broodlings hiding around the Horn of Maguuma.It's a gentle gathering of Kryptis broodlings. They might be needy, but they're nice.
Title: Honorary Broodling
Reward: Endless Mystery Kryptis Tonic.pngEndless Mystery Kryptis Tonic

  • 1. Speak with Kosmas near the Forward Bivouac Waypoint.
  • 2. "Close to coliseum, near house! Part collapsed, trapped under rocks!"
  • 4. "Near north extractor, saw creek. Rockslide. Trapped!
  • 6. "Pulled through rift, far away. Sand, fire...windmill! On floating rock!"
  • 8. "Through rift, again far away. Big leaves. Scary monsters—sharp, sharp teeth!"
  • 10. "Not Nayos! Big tower; wizardy creatures. Saw small, fuzzy beasts. Broodling played with!"
  • 12. "Far away. High, high above ground. Grassy. Hard to see—obscure! Ate 'barries,' looked sick!"
  • 14. "Fell into rift—lots of nature, then POOF! Grew springy legs! Furry ears? Seemed confused. Ward saw from above plant house by small tower. Ask ward!
  • 16. Return to Kosmas.
  • 3. Find the Kryptis with explosives in the Isolated Grasslands, and use them to free Petros.
  • 5. Find the Kryptis with explosives in the Isolated Grasslands, and use them to free Syphus.
  • 7. Find Lali's missing toy near a sand "waterfall" and bring it to her.
  • 9. Defeat a saurian and bring its tooth to Cadmus.
  • 11. Find a toy for the cats in the Wizard's Tower and return to Nemea.
  • 13. Find the correct plant at the Bastion of the Natural, and return to help cure Chloris's stomachache.
  • 15. After speaking to the ward member, find the broodling in a forested area at the Bastion of the Natural and remind them who they are.
Completed 16 Steps 10Achievement points


Kosmas needs help finding missing broodlings around the area. Even steps can be completed in any order, but odd steps will be unlocked after each previous step was completed (for instance, step 5 only unlocks after step 4 is completed).
See the following table for broodling locations and hints on how to help them.

Objective Map Location Closest landmark Type Notes