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Endless Mystery Kryptis Tonic

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Endless Mystery Kryptis Tonic

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Account Bound
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A faint meat scent emanates from the bottle. Use its self-replenishing contents to transform into...something.

— In-game description



This achievement rewards items.This achievement rewards a title. Missing Brood Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros 10Achievement points
Find Kosmas's missing broodlings hiding around the Horn of Maguuma.It's a gentle gathering of Kryptis broodlings. They might be needy, but they're nice.
Title: Honorary Broodling
Reward: Endless Mystery Kryptis Tonic.pngEndless Mystery Kryptis Tonic

  • 1. Speak with Kosmas near the Forward Bivouac Waypoint.
  • 2. "Close to coliseum, near house! Part collapsed, trapped under rocks!"
  • 4. "Near north extractor, saw creek. Rockslide. Trapped!
  • 6. "Pulled through rift, far away. Sand, fire...windmill! On floating rock!"
  • 8. "Through rift, again far away. Big leaves. Scary monsters—sharp, sharp teeth!"
  • 10. "Not Nayos! Big tower; wizardy creatures. Saw small, fuzzy beasts. Broodling played with!"
  • 12. "Far away. High, high above ground. Grassy. Hard to see—obscure! Ate 'barries,' looked sick!"
  • 14. "Fell into rift—lots of nature, then POOF! Grew springy legs! Furry ears? Seemed confused. Ward saw from above plant house by small tower. Ask ward!
  • 16. Return to Kosmas.
  • 3. Find the Kryptis with explosives in the Isolated Grasslands, and use them to free Petros.
  • 5. Find the Kryptis with explosives in the Isolated Grasslands, and use them to free Syphus.
  • 7. Find Lali's missing toy near a sand "waterfall" and bring it to her.
  • 9. Defeat a saurian and bring its tooth to Cadmus.
  • 11. Find a toy for the cats in the Wizard's Tower and return to Nemea.
  • 13. Find the correct plant at the Bastion of the Natural, and return to help cure Chloris's stomachache.
  • 15. After speaking to the ward member, find the broodling in a forested area at the Bastion of the Natural and remind them who they are.
Completed 16 Steps 10Achievement points

Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Gharr Leadclaw/Weekly, Map Currency, Essence & Bulk Exchanges Gharr Leadclaw Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower Amalgamated Kryptis Essence Requires the achievement Missing Brood.
Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange/Weekly, Map Currency, Essence & Bulk Exchanges Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange Amalgamated Kryptis Essence Requires the achievement Missing Brood.
