Mark I Golemite (People Watching)
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Mark I Golemite
Image(s) |
Location in Rata Arcanum |
The Mark I Golemite is a small golem built by the Order of Whispers in order to infiltrate the Inquest. It has been captured, and its true nature is near to being exposed. It needs you to complete its mission.
- Mysterious Stranger: Pacts—commander—identified. Commander. Pssht. A—word, please.
- Mysterious Stranger: I—am—a—Whispers—golem—incognito. I—have—a—message—for—you. Stealth—appreciased.
- <Character name>: What is it? Who's it from?
- Mysterious Stranger: The—Inquess—are—onto—me—and—my—contact. They—be—digging—inso—my—programmings.
- (if Order of Whispers)
- Mysterious Stranger: You—muss—locate—my—contact—outsides—the—Inquess—base. He—needs—your—help.
- (otherwise)
- Mysterious Stranger: You—muss—locate—my—contact—outsides—the—Inquess—base. Give—him—the—password—"purple—quaggan."
- Mysterious Stranger: Iss—a—matter—of—life—and—deaths.
- Mysterious Stranger: This—message—will—self-destructs—in...
- Mysterious Stranger: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Related achievements[edit]
Flashpoint: People Watching — Plant scanners for the Whispers agent. (7