Jagon Nearsight
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Jagon Nearsight
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Jagon Nearsight is a charr from the Bloodcliff Quarry often going out on expeditions to find more rare and expensive ore.
- Hey, there! We've got a pretty nice spot here. Those rocks should be rich with copper ore.
- Copper is softer and more malleable than iron. When the Iron Legion adds copper to their mix of metals, it helps the armor they craft to absorb blows from the enemy's weapons more effectively.
- Bloodcliff Quarry is run by my warbandmate, Wagh Nearshot. I run the exploratory expeditions in the search of rare and more expansive minerals.
- Thanks for the information.
Are you from Bloodcliff Quarry?
- That's good to know. Thanks.
What do you need copper ore for?
- Bloodcliff Quarry is run by my warbandmate, Wagh Nearshot. I run the exploratory expeditions in the search of rare and more expansive minerals.
- Copper is softer and more malleable than iron. When the Iron Legion adds copper to their mix of metals, it helps the armor they craft to absorb blows from the enemy's weapons more effectively.
- I appreciate your help.
What do you use the copper for?
- Keep up the good work.
Are you from Bloodcliff Quarry?
- I'll let you get back to your work, then.