Hold Swampwatch shoreline from the Risen

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Hold Swampwatch shoreline from the Risen

Interactive map

Interactive map

Hold Swampwatch shoreline from the Risen is a level 57 event that occurs in Astrozintli Forelands.


  • Swampwatch Coastline
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Time remaining: 6:59


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 5,572 Experience.png 275 Karma 64 Copper coin
Silver 4,736 Experience.png 234 Karma 54 Copper coin
Bronze 4,179 Experience.png 206 Karma 48 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 57 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Ni-tlacua Hunter: Undead gather to destroy us. Do not let them pass.
During event
Chieftain Necuamtel: Wait no more! Go, hunters! To the eastern shore where our enemy rises to meet you.
Chieftain Necuamtel: Here they come! Holy sun, they're awful! Ni-tlacua hylek! Your chieftain commands you to fight!
Event success
Ni-tlacua Hunter (1): Another victory that doesn't matter. We can't defeat them, and we can't escape.
Ni-tlacua Hunter (2): But, we can keep fighting. For now, that's enough.