Hildr Trollbane
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Hildr Trollbane is a norn located in the Perimeter Loop who hunts trolls and has stories about her adventures doing so.
- A toast to your health. Which tale of my exploits can I regale you with?
- I'm Hildr Trollbane, the world's deadliest troll hunter.
- Well, could be that I killed my first troll when he tried to steal me from my crib. Or that I notched a dozen belts to dust before I finally gave up on keeping track of my kills. Or—
- Okay, you're the deadliest. Been a while since I was last regaled. Hit me. (Same as "I like stories. What have..." below)
- Actually, I'm in kind of a hurry right now. Bye.
What makes you the "deadliest"?
- You mentioned "exploits"? (Same as "I like stories. What have..." below)
- Nice to meet you. I'll be going now.
Who are you?
- Well, there's the time I got drunk and woke up hanging from a cave ceiling. Or the time I killed a troll with a chicken bone. But neither of those is my favorite story.
- My first Great Hunt. With only a dagger, I felled a nasty rock drake. Later at the celebratory moot, I may've spent a bit too much time attached to the spigot. I was out like a candle.
- Next thing I know, I'm awakened by an angry grawl screeching at me—upside down. Took a moment to realize the grawl wasn't the one upside down. My fellow hunters had sense of humor.
- My fellows tied me to a stalactite but left me my dagger. They were cruel, not heartless. I cut myself down, stuck the landing, and made that grawl my second dagger kill of the hunt.
- I've got to hear the chicken bone story. (Same as "With a chicken bone?" below)
- Let me hear your favorite story. (Same as "I've got to know. What's your..." below)
- My time is up. I have to go.
How did you escape?
It happens. Go on.
- Sounds like a tale for another time.
I love drunk stories. Tell me.
- I was eating by the fire when some trolls jumped me. I didn't want my dinner to get cold, so I just kept eating while I fought 'em off. I pummeled, took a bite, pummeled, took a bite—
- I had a troll under each arm and a chicken bone in my mouth. A third troll came at me, howling with rage. So I spit the chicken bone right down his throat and he choked to death.
- Kind of a shame, though. That chicken bone still had a little bit of meat on it.
- So the victory was bittersweet. Tell me another one. (Same as "I like stories. What have..." above)
- I prefer my stories to have a happy ending. See you later.
Nice shot.
And pummeled some more, I get it. What happened next?
- Gotta go. Bye.
With a chicken bone?
- My favorite story involves gratuitous violence toward soft, furry creatures. If that's not your thing, you should walk away now.
- In Hoelbrak, there are these little white bunnies all over the place. They reproduce like pollen. Whitebear told us hunters to cull their numbers. So, I got my biggest axe...
- Ha! The look on your face. Nah, we just gathered 'em up and set 'em loose in the forest. They're good to eat in winter when other food is scarce. It'd be shame to waste them.
- Tell me about hanging from the ceiling. (Same as "I love drunk stories." above)
- Tell me about the troll and the chicken bone. (Same as "With a chicken bone?" above)
- I need to go. Bye.
What did you do?
- That's enough. Bye.
I can stomach it. Bring it on!
- I don't want to hear another word.
I've got to know. What's your favorite story?
- Thant's okay. I have other things on my mind.
I like stories. What have you got? (Same as "I like stories. What have..." below)
- I don't have time to be regaled right now. So long.