Guild Chat - Episode 29

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Guild Chat - Episode 29

The Shatterer
Rubi Bayer
Colin Johanson
Andrew Gray
McKenna Berdrow
Sean Hughes
January 29, 2016
Official video
The following is an unofficial, player-written transcript of the episode. The accuracy of this transcription has not been verified by ArenaNet.

The 29th episode of Guild Chat aired on January 29, 2016.

"Host Rubi Bayer is first joined by Game Director Colin Johanson to talk about the feedback we received on the last update 01/26/2016. Game Designers Andrew Gray, McKenna Berdrow and Sean Hughes then discuss the design changes of the boss fight against The Shatterer."


Below is the raw unformatted transcript from Youtube.

hi i'm ruby this is collin
hello i wish we just had like a really
good five minutes
i wish you could have heard it all of
the details of expansion ii were just
entirely revealed right there while the
sound was off whoops
it was awesome man can you believe a bad
i can't believe we're going there oh my
goodness oh my gosh
you guys are you done
moving on he's like nope all right so
we have been just watching you guys play
we've been playing alongside you and
having a really good time this week
um watching everybody enjoy the updates
learn the new skills
learn the balance changes um glide
everywhere i mean if there's like a six
inch bump on the ground i will see
people leaping off of it and gliding
it's the best um so i don't know what
have you seen
as far as reactions this week yeah it's
been really good um i think
it's been you know i'm happy to see the
reaction we had to to this
you know these big quarterly updates i
think there's been some comparison to
feature packs
uh some people asking like oh well this
seems like it's it's more than just
features it's content too
and that's definitely uh yeah that's
what you should expect these
uh these updates every every season um
will be
big update moments for us and i think
this one is a really nice kickoff to
you know when we when we started this
year we talked a lot about our strategy
for guild wars 2 going forward is to do
a lot less broad development don't work
on you know tons of different features
and different ways to experiment uh you
know we
took the game to china and we went free
to play and we did all these projects
that were these huge sweeping projects
um in a lot of different directions and
really our goal from here is
we have a bunch of really awesome game
systems and a bunch of really cool
things to do in our game let's just
polish those and add a lot more
great content to them i think i think
this quarterly update was kind of the
first step towards that
we've got gliding let's make sure that
you can glide in as many places as
um you know there's a whole bunch of
updates in there for world versus world
really just kind of you know um the
first kind of tiptoe in world versus
world towards where we want to go
um obviously these are content type
polish when you know the big things we
want to do with world versus world in
the future
are a lot of back end stuff um you know
we have
we have a lot of exciting stuff coming
up uh already for the rest of this
uh on top of this this quarterly update
uh we have the next pvp
uh season uh season two uh and a ton of
changes to that um that are really
uh off of a lot of player feedback we've
got finals are coming up too
yeah pro league season championship with
the new balance update um so it's going
to be really fun to see how that plays
top four teams in the world are live all
in one place which means
not only some great guild wars 2 pvp but
lots of uh fun community stories that
will come out of that
um probably lots of drinking we don't
condone it i was like are we gonna are
we gonna talk about that maybe a broken
arm or two
uh shots fired uh no arm wrestling
it should be really fun to see you know
this is a chance where we get to see
who's better in north america
and i think every time um those teams
have gotten together we've had some
really big surprises
many of our best games have been at
these land world championships
and i think the new balance balance
patch um hopefully should move us past
kind of the
a little bit more of a stale meta into a
more exciting meadow with more deaths a
lot more action
um so i can't wait to see what that
finals is like uh and the in-game league
season with all the updates the pvp team
has already announced
that's again going back to that strategy
of let's ship things and let's just
polish and make those things better
we ship pvp leagues and our focus now is
let's just make those really great
uh and i think the next season is is
really expanding on that
um we've got a new raid that you'll see
this this quarter uh
and uh new raid wing rather and that'll
be really exciting for folks to look
forward to
i'm so excited to talk about this one
yeah we've been planning we've been
stuff for the raid upcoming raid wing
this week so it's on my mind and
yeah i saw crystal put a tweet out the
other day they got everybody talking
about yeah
oh it's coming yeah they're gonna be
good you guys there's some really fun
stuff in there uh you know we
lunar new year's going on right now so
we've got that event live in game
uh and uh later this year i think we our
hope would be that each quarter
we start to build a little bit more and
there's there's both a really awesome
update at the beginning of each one
a big seasonal update and there's a
little bit more stuff also mixed in
to look forward to on top of that
certainly we'll have a few surprises of
stuff we haven't talked about yet
mixed in there too uh one of the big
focuses we've been looking at
for uh our next big uh
update our spring update yeah um is
actually really trying to build on this
concept of polishing and iterating on
the things that we've already released
i think heart of thorns is an area where
you know we put it out
we gave our teams we set aside a bunch
of time to to respond to issues and
stuff that players brought up
uh and then we left on christmas break
uh and you know we came back from break
and we had a whole lot of feedback to
take a look at
um the bulk of that is not stuff that we
really had time to get in in time for
our uh our winter update uh you know the
winter update went out on tuesday which
means usually it's locked down two or
three weeks before that
um so you know we came back from
christmas and pretty much everything
was ready to go or as close as it could
um so the spring update is really our
next chance to address a huge amount of
um from heart of thorns uh there's a
bunch of stuff in there that i think
we're really proud of
it has some of the coolest moments of
bringing players together in the open
world i think we've ever done in the
i think the sense of challenge in the
open world was one of the big things
that we wanted to provide
bring some of the creatures up so you
actually had to use your skill bar and
dodge and think about the skills that
the game provided
as opposed to some of the creatures in
the open world in kind of vanilla guild
wars where
um you can get away with maybe using one
or two skills and beating a lot of them
i really wanted to let you at least have
more of a sense of a challenge and use
the action combat system more
i think there's some things in in hot in
general that we didn't quite hit our
goals on uh i think one of our
our big goals is uh you should be able
to play in short periods of time and
make meaningful progress
you know i think that's a big tenant of
guild wars 2 you should be able to log
and in 20 minutes and 40 minutes you
should be able to achieve a bunch of
goals feel like you made meaningful
progress and get rewarded for it
uh i think there are parts of some of
the stuff we did with heart of thorns
that allows you to do that there are
other areas where i think that's not
and i think that's a big area that we're
going to take a look at is trying to
uh keep the things that we really like
about the expansion and the things
in particular in the open world that
were really successful
um the really awesome moments uh while
also trying to make it more accessible
uh i think there's some things that
ended up more grindy than i would say
that it
is within the kind of what we want to do
with the game and so in retrospect now
that we've had time to really look at
some metrics and how much time it takes
to earn some of the things and to get
your masteries
we're going to take an opportunity to go
back and look at a lot of that stuff as
there's a bunch of just general stuff i
think some of the items for scribing
ended up being more expensive than we
ever thought they'd be
uh and we've already announced that
we're going to take a look at that but
we're we're definitely
working on that one there's some things
floating out there that we just haven't
finished uh the fractal backpack is one
that we just need to we just need to
finish that and put it out
and so some stuff we're just going to
get done even before the spring the big
spring update like there's a few things
that if we finish them we'll just get
them out as soon as they're ready
but i think the big thing to look
forward to for the spring update is
basically getting the game in a state
all of the kind of big open questions or
discussions that players are having or
things from heart of thorns in
particular that didn't quite align with
what our core philosophies for guild
wars 2 are
now in retrospect we've really built a
giant list of those things and we're
going to go back and and try to resolve
as many of them there's a pretty huge
chunk we're gonna resolve as many of
them in that update as we can
uh and that puts us in a place where
from there we can really start moving
into let's just build a lot of awesome
new content we can start moving out and
building new fractals and building more
uh you know living world
and building building just great new
stuff to play uh so that's kind of the
the big things that you have to look
forward to as we uh
we move on uh and another i think one
more big update uh that's pretty
exciting is
uh we said at the beginning of the year
uh world versus world resurgence
uh is is uh a a name that you will be
hearing soon enough
world versus world's big update um is
something that
uh we didn't think we would talk about
uh probably uh
until later this year um things are
going really well on that uh and it
looks like we're gonna be able to talk
about the details of that much earlier
than we originally thought
awesome uh and i will uh i will let john
corpening and
and uh the world versus world folks uh
take it from there
uh but i think the team is is doing a
really awesome job and they're
definitely uh
in a place where we can start talking
more here soon than than maybe we had
originally thought
so that's something else to look forward
to as well for for world versus world
yeah it's been great to see all of those
updates in this
in this last patch all of those little
world versus world fixes it's
nice starting on that path yeah i think
it's really great for them to have the
opportunity to just sit down and say hey
what are all the places where
people are are able to jump over walls
or exploiting or this little map bug you
know let's resolve all of these issues
there's a huge chunk of them already
be able to do just general balance like
the team's really getting an op the
the front end team the folks who are
handling the content side are getting a
lot of time to do that
while this new larger back end team is
working on all the restructuring as well
so i think the two of those will go
really well hand in hand to get world
versus world in the long run where we
want it to be
obviously this is you know something
where i think if you're a big world
versus world fan you'd like all this
stuff to be happening faster
the reality is effectively in a lot of
ways they're rebuilding a game mode from
scratch that took five years to build
the first time um
we're going a heck of a lot faster don't
worry yeah it's not a five-year project
but it is still it's a huge lift right
he's like oh i want to hear that
i think back to like you know when we
shipped the game um there was player
calling in the game and so you'd play an
oral versus world and you could only see
a small amount of players and suddenly
an invisible army would come over a hill
and kill you
and it took an entire like year of work
for one engineer who was
one of our most senior engineers to
actually fix that you know you'll
remember the invasion of la where karko
were rolling invisibly everywhere and
killing all of us i certainly will
remember that for the rest of my life
i got murdered by nothing so many times
the sometimes the amount of work that
goes into these back end
really deep uh engine and gameplay
issues you know they're really involved
to get them right
uh and then once you do uh it opens the
system up for amazing things
and and that's really today that's all
i'll say and i'll let the folks on world
versus world kind of take it from there
soon and talk more about
um what that actually means for them but
i think world versus world players are
gonna be thrilled when they they get the
full rundown of what's going on
yeah that's gonna be that's gonna be
good to look forward to
so for today we are going to talk some
more about the shadower though
yes there are some fantastic developers
here to talk about the shatter
yeah we're gonna bring the dancing scarf
shawn's like oh mia i don't know if i'm
glad i did that or not
but that's kind of a look forward at
this spring it's going to be a really
really exciting spring
polish polish polish uh i think we have
more more hot fixes going out either
today or tomorrow with some more issues
too so
just always stuff to look forward to hot
fixes hot fixes yes
we can just you can't even say hot in
this building anymore because somebody
just groans like oh
okay no man it's actually called that
it's okay
all right well i will let you get back
to work thank you for giving us a little
update on season two
cool update to spring
yeah we will be right back
and we are back i am with three of the
designers who worked on the shatter by
boss fight i'm having trouble today and
all i'm drinking
is water this has been really hard
you watched me open it i haven't left
the room
it's just been one of those weeks um i'm
going to blame part of it on staying up
too late
for the shatterer fight so i could get
in on that um
we're just going to kind of talk about
how the update came to be and
give you guys a behind-the-scenes look
at what came into it um i'll start with
you sean and you guys just go down the
line introduce yourselves and
what you do here and what you did on the
shadow fight uh
all right i'm sean i'm a game designer
here at arenanet
for the shatterer fight what i did was
work mostly on the new branded that
spawned during the fight
a lot of the creatures we have in the
old world follow a very predictable pile
pattern where they will attack you once
wait three seconds attack you again
wait three seconds and it's kind of
boring so with heart of thorns we made a
lot of new monsters that are more
interesting to fight and i wanted to
bring some of that
into the shatterer fight so the four new
branded that will spawn
uh were what i was working on nice
mckenna uh yeah i'm mckenna i'm also a
game designer here
uh i worked on there you go yeah
i worked on uh some of the achievements
or i worked with these guys um
and i worked on the boss decorations
so including the shatter nice i'm andrew
uh i worked on
most of the shutterer skill changes i
added some spawns that
roam around in wreck your day
and i added the gliding and worked on
the uh
siege weapons made them a little more
user-friendly i guess yes thank you for
and you worked on gliding for the
shatterer correct yeah i don't want like
joel to come busting in here and
no no no i'm not a programmer i wouldn't
know what i was doing nice all right
let's kind of start by talking about how
this came to be because this was
originally a much smaller project
and you said you feature scoped the hell
out of it
well one man so thank you one man's
feature creep is another man's iterative
design first of all
so uh i would put that on a bumper
yeah uh so it started out with we had a
legendary journey that was blocked
part of the legendary journey was being
put in a crystal
and the shatterer was the only world
boss in the game that uh
was could be permanently blinded so he
would reach out and be like
i'm gonna put you in that crystal help
you out with that legendary journey
and you he couldn't because he was blind
um i heard about that
once or twice yeah and uh there was also
some safe zones as everybody knew uh to
right or left i guess it right yeah um
and everybody would just stand there and
just kind of cheese the fight for lack
of better words don't judge me
and so those are the two big issues that
uh we knew we wanted to
fix um and there were simple fixes for
that that would have taken
a couple days um maybe a week uh but
more fun fixes are doing crazy things
like adding a break bar
or uh you know making it so you can fly
overhead and throw bombs on them and uh
that's the one i like yeah that's a good
part and that honestly only came around
because we we when we got a release date
it was like oh you're going out
on in the big release the same time as
cortera gliding so it's like
well well come on like if you can fly
over a dragon you need to be able to
drop something on him so
so everything just kind of uh went
together we kind of broke everything up
to like
things we know we have to do things that
we think are really likely we'll be able
to do and then like our
our crazy dreams and we actually i think
pretty much everything right like for
the most part
yeah awesome so it's not one of the
things that i've heard
that we've talked about before was it's
not like
okay let's just take this fight and
scale it up to
turn it up to 12 and scale it up so it's
crazy hard the gold was more
fun not like insanely difficult
right yeah exactly yeah you weren't just
like okay
multiply everything by a factor of 10
because right i've been told that's how
programming works but
uh yeah we uh we already have plenty of
world bosses that are that
that you know mainly you need either a
really organized
uh map group or an organized guild group
to beat um
and since this is a 40 to 50 zone we
wanted it to be you know challenging
i mean we wanted there to be challenging
aspects of it yeah but we didn't want
you to feel like
oh there's not 50 people here we might
as well not even try we're not going to
beat them
so actually just beating him isn't
super difficult some of the achievements
on the other hand are very difficult
um like breaking him right now is is
pretty difficult
um as far as we know nobody's broken his
break bar
yes which is unfortunate because uh our
our fine animator matt tate made a very
very nice animation of him falling that
i don't think anybody has seen yet uh
you guys need to see this so so we are
we are looking into
uh scaling issues with his brake bar
because uh people need to see that
amazing artwork
um related if you are in game and having
trouble with this
i think it's valid to say that there are
some people who just don't understand
how the defiance bar works
and that's okay i've just i've seen
people you know oh my gosh they're
you're too stupid to know the bra no
they're just kind of new it's okay
you can um if you're in game and it's a
little bit
wonky for you for how it works you can
always just type slash wiki defiance bar
and there's a really good explanation of
how that works on our wiki
so that might be helpful yeah but also
looking at how it's scaling will be
helpful right definitely i believe i
might be wrong on this but i think this
is the first time we've used it outside
of a hot map so
there are players who might not have not
played hot this might be the first
encounter with it is that true no
a lot of the champions in courteria have
break bars but they all use
the default one which is pretty easy to
and the shadower has his own custom
break bar right because he's a world
so okay so it's it's different i mean
the same same mechanics but
yeah yeah i'm not used to having to do
it so quickly yeah
yeah um speaking of the achievements we
were talking about how some of the
achievements are really hard to get
i've just been looking at them and
they've served for me as a nice
guide for okay what you know okay now
i'm learning this part of the fight
because i have to use all the siege
i have to use all the siege weapons how
did you even get started figuring out
okay what achievements do we want to put
in here
yeah um that's definitely like what we
looked at right is uh we wanted to make
sure that the achievements kind of
guided players through uh how the fight
works now and
like all the new mechanics or whatever
so you can kind of look at and be like
oh there's gliding and oh he's gonna
attack me while i'm gliding or
um you know they're telling me to use
siege so if you used it before maybe you
like read the blog post or anything and
didn't know uh that we
updated the siege or whatever like this
might tell you to go check it out again
and then you'll be like oh there are new
skills like or
uh it's more user friendly now or it's
easier to use um so that was kind of
the main uh goal for like when we looked
over at the achievements
um how's the seeds changed uh
so the mortars probably had the most
noticeable change before
they had a mechanic where you had one
button to turn it this way
one button to turn it this way it turned
ridiculously slow
and then you had to hold the middle
button to guess how far
it was going to arc to hit things
yeah i i seriously did it four times
it's four times as fast and it still
feels pretty slow to me honestly
it was really slow and they they gave
you things like uh
a med kit that you could shoot at your
oh it wasn't a medkit at the time it was
just a healing
barrage how are you going to hit a
running player
you have to you're even that slow so
you're in map chat going everybody stop
yeah hold on it'll be fine so we we
changed the med kit skill so it actually
it still has a splash heel it also
applies protection because
you're gonna want protection out there
now um uh but it also leaves behind a
med kit so even if you don't
hit an ally and honestly with how many
people are out there it's hard to not
hit them right now right
yeah but if you miss them you know they
can still oh there's a medkit over there
and you go pick it up and that removes
conditions and heals them it works like
the engineer one so
it's useful um nice the turrets uh added
a cc to the main attack so you can work
towards brake bars um
i increased the range on it i believe or
maybe the speed it turned they're all
they're definitely all better i was like
you're looking at me i have no idea man
better better they're better yes
like the shatterer yeah better shatterer
shutter oh my gosh i'm gonna i'm gonna
say it at some point i'm gonna
completely screw that up
um so yeah that was that was one of the
achievements that i found
super super helpful um what were some of
the other ones that you put in there i
haven't completed any of them yet so
um yeah there's the siege there's the
ones that are like break out of the
um but yeah just was the best one
yeah and then i was waiting and
obviously the best one is the one where
he lands and then kills everyone and
which takes the sting out of being
yeah um because yeah originally um i
like to run the world boss train and i
really like that
it happened on joramag like i think it's
cool it's one of the kind of like ones
i just remember really well and then um
plus it's kind of trolley and i'm a
little bit of a troll so it was
yeah a little bit yeah and so uh you
plus it's been really fun to see
everyone in game like yeah it just got
smushed and like
yeah i love that people weren't like
super mad about it
yeah and i was saying i was saying to
mckenna while we were talking this over
earlier um when i went in for the
second shatterer fight that and you know
he'd gone through a couple of rounds by
and immediately i got there and there's
somebody tagged up with his commander
tag standing on the hill going stand
here for the achievement
yeah this is where it is you know
they're they're helping each other
make sure they get it and then he moved
he was like i don't want to get squashed
twice so this is the last call
here's where you stand i'm out yeah when
i when i was doing the shatterer there's
a commander standing there and he's like
stand here for cookies
rude and then the shadow came and
yeah but everyone still enjoyed it it's
yeah it's always i think they were
overwhelmed as far as smashing people
with something
so yeah i know it's it's kind of fun so
we have that on two
of the dragon chakras now and it was it
was also kind of like a chance because i
was just like uh sucking andrew is like
oh i really like the squishing one and
jormag and then it was like he just so
happened to also always land
on that one spot that everyone always
stood before
the safe zone suddenly isn't safe yeah
yeah so it was convenient
yeah being an achievement was also nice
because if anybody didn't read anything
and they didn't notice the launch pads
for some reason
and they didn't know there were any
changes well first of all drake is
suddenly killing you that's a change
and then you see an achievement pop up
for it and you're like what is there
there's new shutter achievements so it
was kind of a way to tell people like
hey there's new stuff here in a
hilarious way for for us at least
yeah i hope it's hilarious for them but
it's definitely
for us so a few weeks before we
announced this
i had forgotten to tell you guys this
but you know i'm just like skipping
through our twitter feed
and seeing what people are saying and
somebody tweeted us
it was something like one of these days
the shatter is going to figure out how
to turn his head to the right and then
we're all screwed
and i i laughed so hard because i knew
what was coming i couldn't say anything
i was like
oh golly that would be that would sure
be a thing
yeah i think that was on like reddit a
few like a few weeks before yeah i've
said anything about chad
and i read that too and i was like yes
little do
they know it's coming yeah
um so the but yeah the achievements have
served as
a good guide you know okay i'm trying to
get this achievement
oh hey now i know how to do this part of
the fight and then you have the
overall meta some of them at least one
involves gliding
but you don't need that that was a thing
balancing for people who
didn't have their gliding mastery yet
for whatever reason or didn't have heart
of thorns at all
yeah and you didn't want to leave them
out yeah we purposely want to make sure
you could get the back piece um
if you didn't have hot because it's not
it's not on a hot map right so yeah
but we wouldn't include it in there
because it's still really cool to glide
and it's
you know we're like we want you to glide
it feels awesome um
so we left that in there but you only
need you can get all the other
achievements and leave out the gliding
one and still get the back piece
yeah you're not completely left out
you're not missing anything or you're
well i mean you're missing yeah you're
missing the awesomeness of gliding
and dropping bombs on the shoulder's
head yeah yeah what are the
i know there's a bomb and a med kit what
are the three gliding skills that you
put in there
it's the bomb medkit and the self heal
because you can get hit by lightning up
i know yeah uh so we wanted to give you
some way to
heal yourself because the uh player heal
skills aren't set to be able to use in
yeah yeah it turns out you can't ground
target the sky
go figure weird can you get on that i'm
still not a programmer man
it's been like 15 minutes come on i
should probably get on that
yeah plus whatever i don't know what we
use for that
yeah none of you look at me i
know all right so we got the we got the
gliding skills in
we got the bomb we got the med kit and
the self-heal we got the achievements in
and we've given a little upgrade to the
branded creatures
on there too do we have new ones i mean
it was a lot of running around screaming
when i was doing it on behalf of
everyone so
uh so i guess they're not brand new i
would probably call them variants
uh they use the existing models there's
the uh
rock dog devourer minotaur and griffin
that's the other one um of those two
like the
rock dog and the devourer are sort of
like our mooks
and then the minotaur and the griffin
are the more like elite guys
um and they all have different things
like the devourer
instead of attacking him once every
three seconds he'll like do a barrage of
attacks really quickly and then there's
a long cooldown where he's not really
doing anything
uh so either like put up a reflect
shield and uh
send them all back at his face and kill
him that way which is my favorite thing
to do
that's awesome my favorite one of the
new guys is the minotaur because
what he'll do is he just charges up this
two second
uh jump attack and he leaps at you and
if he lands on you he knocks you down
for 10 seconds and just starts wailing
on you while you're on the ground and he
doesn't stop if you don't find some way
to get him off of you
you're dead i'm sorry i don't care if
you're a warrior nomads you're dead
but you can break stun break out of it
and run away
you can have your party break him or you
can just dodge the initial jump attack
those are all good counters
um but overall i think creatures like
that are far more interesting to fight
than the sort of traditional monsters we
have in the core world yeah i will say
thank you for not making just a 10
second kd that you can't do anything
because that's not that's not fun that's
the inverse of it's no
no so you can stun break out of that but
i think after you told me that i kind of
want to go find one
and just poke at him because i just want
to see what i just want to see this and
i'm willing to be pulped
in the in the interest of this so it's a
good cause for pulping
it is so what's the other elite guy
which one uh so the
griffin um was in the shatterer fight
before but he would fly around all the
and there wasn't basically any way to
get him to stop flying uh so
i'm stuck now that we have brake bars i
put a brake car on the griffin and when
you break him he'll
land and then because of that i made the
skills when he's in the air
uh more powerful so if you break him and
force him on the ground he's easier to
fight but then
after a while he'll take off and start
flying again so as long as he's up in
the air he's more of a threat
nice all right so i'm going to ask you
to pick your favorite child all of you
what's your favorite thing that you
worked on
in the new fight not in the in the
history of everything
in the fight definitely the minotaur
yeah yeah
yeah mine's the obvious the achievement
that's everywhere
uh i'd probably have to say the flying
mechanics in general um
ever since i used a glider okay you know
give a mouse a cookie book i'm that
mouse so as soon as i could glide i'm
like oh well now i want to be able to
bomb things and now i want to be able to
do this and that so like
giving people you know the ability to do
that and the ability to heal things
because i was a monk
and i love healing people oh that's
right i forgot about that yes
anytime i can give somebody heal skill
i'm i'm all for it um
but then also like i didn't want to
create a new
safe zone in the air because we were
trying to fix a different one
yeah so we just could move the safe zone
the ways we deal with people flying
around him
it's kind of like we put a little uh
warning cross hairs on you and you get
zapped out of the air with lightning
or my favorite to answer your question
in a very long way
when you're encased in a crystal uh when
you're flying around his head
you actually get fall as a crystal and
then when you land you are a bomb
you you do aoe damage to the people
below you because it's still doing the
crystal explosion
skill which by the way i made aoe watch
so if you're up there you you will see
your friends falling from the sky and
that's that's getting out of the way
that's not good for anybody except the
nobody likes that yeah ellie staff 4 get
out of the way
just scoot backwards oh man all right so
we made it more fun
we have all of these cool new things but
if i'm
can be a little bit mercenary if i can
be a lot bit mercenary
it's more rewarding and i love it
there's more you get more xp
and i am still leveling alts on way too
many characters
but this is this has been a good fight
just to gain a lot of xp because the
branded creatures
give xp now which you actually had to
point out to me because again
it was mostly just running around
screaming when we were doing it and
trying to figure out what was going on
and i didn't realize until it didn't hit
me until later i was seeing like this
flurry of yellow numbers
and thank you thank you thank you
there's also a
good sized chunk of xp that you get in
the chest when you when you beat them as
well that we added
um we definitely want people to be able
to work towards their masteries so you
know giving them the avenue to do that
in a fun way is always nice
yes what you mean we want people to play
stuff we put in the game
no no no we don't do that i know it's
it's crazy but stay with me
we like people to play the content i
know it's nuts um
speaking of that chest it doesn't look
the same
it wasn't like the standard chest model
yeah so tell me about it uh
the decoration you get which is the
shatterer crystal i see people like it
and chat
um you use that in the guild hall um to
initially build a bronze statue
and a silver statue and then a gold
statue and the gold statues the new
chest that everyone gets to see so you
get to see what you get to work towards
if you collect
enough of those crystals but they're all
they're all decorations along the way
too so you get awesome things that i
create your guildhall with so so you can
just have a room in your guildhall be
like a trophy hall now yeah fill it with
world bosses and raid bosses and like
whatever else you're doing yeah then
we'll invite people over and you're like
look at all the things like look at how
it is yeah um so
i have the shutter crystal and then i
know some of my guildies were pinging
like a piece of to quaddle's tail like a
tail chunk
yep there's uh for to quaddle uh triple
um and then chatter or all the old world
and then all the ones in hot um got it
as well
and then the raid uh bosses yeah so
there's a lot of cool new stuff you can
put in there yeah
did you do all those i did i didn't
think to ask yesterday so
thank you yeah um so you start with
let's see the bronze one is
ten crystals yep and everybody the thing
that i love is that everybody in the
guild it's not just like okay
i gotta kill to quaddle 10 times and
hope that i
round up ten crystals and then i'll put
it in everybody in the guild can just go
turn those in
and it becomes a part of the guild horde
and once you have enough so everybody
help your guild out go kill two and
throw the thing in there yeah there was
also like an awesome post on reddit
yesterday of like
people made the course of all tentacles
their way to heaven
whatever yeah they like made it they
made a spiral staircase out of the
gorsball tentacles that was pretty
yeah they just stacked them up as like
one two yeah it was actually really cool
um i didn't see this yeah penna baker
was like that's gross
but at the same time which was kind of
my reaction to like
but it is but you know what that's quite
a trophy for your
look at all of these pieces it was
yep nice look at all of these
i haven't seen these are the hands
please tell me their hands no they're
the thing that you chop off a course of
all should be a hand
they're all his like tentacle things
that are on his back
yeah they're gross they're like slimy
looking too and they like
yeah but they're gross looking in like
as a decoration as well if you go to
this one guild hall
you can climb all over them yeah it's a
good time
all right i have one last question for
you guys
what is your favorite thing that you
didn't work on so you have to
you're sitting closest to me so you have
to go first she's like
i really like when you get crystallized
in mid-air and you just go
you're a bomb that's pretty great i like
how we're all
like yeah i really like the trolley
stuff yeah i like people die now
truly challenging fun i mean
they're all different words for the same
thing all right how about you muketa
um i also i actually like the new uh
like siege actually being cool again
because i remember i used it
when the game like first came out um and
actually everyone used to fight over
siege like no i want to use the siege so
every time i got it i was like i got the
um but also there's tons of guys that
spawn over there now which is
like i don't know there's been plenty of
times where i'm using it and i'm like
i'm being attacked i don't know like
we're fighting over siege again now yeah
yeah this is just pretty cool people
lining up to use the siege to like yeah
yeah cause everyone's trying to get the
achievements right so everyone's like
we're taking turns
guys i don't know it's it's funny to me
and it feels i'm glad that
they feel good again i like it wasn't
that was that you telling me there was
like a big line for this yeah
uh when i was doing the shatterer on
that first day and everyone was trying
to get the achievements they just sort
of lined up one after another and one
person would just sit there shooting the
mortar until they got the achievement
then they'd get off and the next person
would go up and they'd shoot the mortar
until they got the achievement and it
was just like
form an early line everyone will get
their share that's a
that's a good way to do it thank you
guys for not being awful about it
some fine killing that is a fine queuing
how about you
andrew i'd say i'd have to be a tie
between the smashing people achievement
and i really like the dive bombing
griffin i don't know why it's just the
what the anime it looks cool it's fun it
feels rewarding when you break them
and the minotaur though yeah the
minotaur is amazing it's really
i'm gonna say actually i like the
minotaur when i see it jump on someone
maybe not so much nice this has been
like the say nice things about your
co-workers minute
i wanted to add that but not give you
too much time shawn's also a fine dancer
as we all saw
sure is a fine dancer it's very
i'm not going to make you do it again
because you're actually tethered and you
will close on yourself if you try
to get up yeah so all right that is our
behind the scenes look at the shadow is
there anything else you guys want to add
about the work you did
you really can it's okay i don't know go
play it
yeah go thank you guys
very very much for taking a couple of
little fixes and turning them into this
it's appreciated all right guys we will
be back next week
for now go play the shadower yay