Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Garenhoff Refugee

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Garenhoff Refugees are refugees from the Devastated Garenhoff fractal that have been safely evacuated to the nearby camp.


Horn of Maguuma


Female refugee inside the small gray tent
It was so sudden... First, the tower. Then, the guardians turned on us... And then we were here, hundreds of feet up in the sky. What is happening to us?
Talk end option tango.png Stay close to the Astral Ward—they will keep you safe.
Male refugee next to white tent
Oh, gods, I'm afraid of heights! This is... I'm so dizzy... I don't feel so good...
Talk end option tango.png Stay calm—the ward is here for you.
Female refugee sitting next to campfire
I never expected the elementals to turn on us. I knew we shouldn't have trusted that blasted tower.
Talk end option tango.png For now, just trust me that it wasn't their fault.
Male refugee sitting on rock between tents
Our home... I can see it all from here. Floating. Burning. Why is this happening to us?
Talk end option tango.png Stay strong, help is coming.
Female refugee sitting on the eastern edge behind the tents
I always wondered what it would be like to live among the clouds. Never imagined it'd actually happen. Or what it would cost...
Talk end option tango.png You'll have a home again, I promise.
Female refugee sitting on the northern edge
Despite's really beautiful up here. I can see Tyria unfurled like a map. It looks so calm
Talk end option tango.png It's good to look on the bright side of things.