Extra Life/Charity animals
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A full list of all the Extra Life charity animals from each year.
Extra Life 2020[edit]
These animals can be found in Eye of the North, and in their respective cities, since the March 23, 2021 game update.
- Cats
- Dogs
- Others
Extra Life 2021[edit]
These animals can be found at Cat Island in Zen Daijun area of Seitung Province, as well as in their respective cities, since the June 7, 2022 game update.
- Cats
- Abby
- Arya
- Baby
- Bella (Divinity's Reach)
- Bella (The Grove)
- Billie
- Boogie Schmerzbold
- Brewz
- Cam
- Cinnamon (The Grove)
- Color
- Finn
- Frank
- Frosty
- G. Fireheart
- Henry
- Kei
- Kemiii
- Kirins
- Kubo
- Kvothe
- Lucy Goose
- Luna (Divinity's Reach)
- Luna (Hoelbrak)
- Mars (Lion's Arch)
- Mars (Black Citadel)
- Miss Kitty Fantastico
- Mittens Rose
- Molly
- Morannes
- Mr. Lennox
- Ni
- Nice
- Olive
- OriCat
- Pandora
- Panther
- Pixie Kriegerin
- Pointy
- Raspberry
- Ribber de Dibber
- Rubie
- Senlorandir
- Senna
- Sera
- Sir Jeeves "Fluffington" Myers
- Sprite (Hoelbrak)
- Steve
- Subin
- Surf Chic
- Taffy
- Taypurr the Swift
- Toby (Hoelbrak)
- Xora
- Dogs
- Others
Extra Life 2022[edit]
These animals can be found in Outer Ring area of The Wizard's Tower, as well as in their respective cities, since the August 22, 2023 game update.
- Cats
- Alera
- Alfie
- Alice
- Andrew R
- Asmodeus
- Bastion
- Bea
- Caesar
- Carmen Minuet
- Catladbolg
- Chonkers
- Cinnamon (Hoelbrak)
- Cleo
- Cole
- Crumpet
- Dassidan
- Dumpling
- Durzan
- Eve
- Falter
- Fanta
- Flick
- Frankie
- Freya
- Hamm
- Heather
- Inari
- Jasper
- Jellie
- Jerry Chan
- Jupi
- KayleeBear
- Kiki
- Lemmy
- Leo
- Leon Mjelon
- Lilac
- Ling
- Luny
- Macaroni
- Marcy
- Masika
- Maui
- Melora
- Midnight
- Mikkel
- Miss Muffet
- Mr. Meowgi
- Nameless
- Nicki
- Nietzsche
- Ninja Sparkles
- Nugget (Black Citadel)
- Pharaoh Foodcourt
- Pixel
- Pompon
- Princess Maggi Mew
- Puschel
- Rae
- Rin (Rata Sum)
- Rin (The Grove)
- Roxanne
- Sandy
- Scratchfever
- Sesame
- Shadow
- Shelly
- Sky
- Smol Ears
- Smos
- Sneky
- Tigerlilly
- Taro
- Toby (Rata Sum)
- Vicci
- Dogs
- Others
Extra Life 2023[edit]
These animals can be found in the inhabitated areas of Lowland Shore, as well as in their respective cities, since the release of Janthir Wilds.
- Please, while creating new pages for these Extra Life animals, if there are already Npcs with those names, add (charity animal) behind the name. This way we will be able to easily tell which animals we need to look at and "correct","merge" or "delete" based on the information.
- Cats
- Althea Starshine
- Baghira
- Basil (charity animal)
- Batty
- Bruce
- Browny
- Bucky
- Chairman
- Claes
- Cloud
- Cloudkicker
- Dexter
- Dusty
- Earl (charity animal)
- Elios
- Ellisande
- Erinxia
- Etta (cat)
- Fei Mao
- Hermes
- Hermione
- Iris
- Jack (charity animal)
- Jess (charity animal)
- Jumba
- Leo (charity animal)
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lily (charity animal)
- Luna (charity animal)
- Luna Belle
- Maverick (cat)
- Maximus (charity animal)
- Mia
- Miley
- Minka
- Miss Lesley
- Missy
- Mitzie
- Morris
- Mr Bobblestein
- Nessie
- Nikita
- Paxton
- Peche
- Pip (charity animal)
- Ripley
- Rocket (cat)
- Sato
- Schmoo
- Sithi Mephistophe
- Spaz
- Squeeky
- Sunny
- Tali (charity animal)
- Tank (charity animal)
- The Legendary Lyn
- Timmy
- Tiny
- Timon
- Wicket
- Zorro
- Dogs
- Others