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Event Collection: The Midnight Abyss

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Event Collection: The Midnight Abyss is an Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros achievement that involves completing events from the Into the Spider's Lair meta event.


This achievement rewards items. Event Collection: The Midnight Abyss Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros 3Achievement points
Participate in successful events in the Midnight Abyss."Over here—use that skyscale of yours and let's get going!"
  • Tier
1: Calcified Gasp (service).png Large Calcified Gasp (2)

Objectives: 3 objectives in total
  • Clear the malignant fog protecting Zakiros.
  • Disable Zakiros's extractor towers.
  • Defeat Gatekeeper Vialgos.
Participated in 3 Events 3Achievement points


Objective Notes