Living World Season 4 content

Escort Eternal Embers to the Olmakhan camp

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Escort Eternal Embers to the Olmakhan camp

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Eternal Embers to the Olmakhan camp is a level 80 dynamic event escort from Crystal Bloom Camp to Olmakhan Camp. The goal is to escort Ahgi, a dolyak laden with Eternal Embers, and her owner, Eternal Ember Supplier, from the Crystal Bloom Outpost to the Olmakhan Outpost so that an Eternal Ember Stockpile can be set up there.


  • Ahgi
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Branded Attackers remaining: x


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


While escorting, two Branded mobs appear along the way: one between the Crystal Bloom camp and the bridge at Ember Gate, and one just after the bridge in the Underworld portion of the map.







Starting the event
Eternal Ember Supplier: We're leaving now and I don't care if you're ready! Except you, Ahgi.
Ahgi: Moo.
Encountering the first Branded mob
Eternal Ember Supplier: Oh, good! Was just starting to get bored!
Successfully fighting off the mob
Eternal Ember Supplier: Any injured? No? Ahgi, baby? Good. Everyone, FOR-WARD!
Crossing Ember Gate bridge
Eternal Ember Supplier: Y'know we volunteered for this! "Feel like hauling explosives through a war zone that's also a dragon?" Spirits, yes!
After second Branded mob
Ahgi: Moo.
Eternal Ember Supplier: No, the Plains of Ashford weren't nearly as bad as this. Come on!
Ahgi: Moo!
Eternal Ember Supplier: You had your ghosts and your angry charr, but at least there were roads. Do you see any roads? No? Didn't think so.
Eternal Ember Supplier: If you want to stop this caravan, you gotta go through me and Ahgi! Let's go!
After the final Branded mob
Eternal Ember Supplier: I'll admit. I expected more from Kralkatorrik's best. Ah well. Everyone, let's go!
Arriving at the Olmakhan Camp
Eternal Ember Supplier: And here we are! Eternal Embers, courtesy of the Order of the Crystal Bloom!
Ahgi: Moo!
Eternal Ember Supplier: Yes, and Ahgi, too. Nice work, everyone.