Living World Season 2 content

Distorted Facet of Darkness

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the hostile NPC in the story step Hidden Arcana. For other uses, see Facet of Darkness (disambiguation).

The Distorted Facet of Darkness is a crystalline entity, a facet of Glint residing in the Domain of Darkness, and is one of the last remaining defenses of Glint's Lair. It is surrounded by several Vortex Crystals.

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 2[edit]

Combat abilities[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Facet of Darkness.
  • Causes Fragility
  • Quickness Increases Damage
  • Resilient
  • Invulnerable and can only be damaged by the deaths of nearby Vortex Crystals.
  • At 75% health, it will start periodically spawning crystal boulders in the air near the Vortex Crystals, that grow then smash against the ground, Knockdown.png knocking down anything in an orange circle AoE beneath them.
  • Fragile Pulse – Pounds the ground, damaging anything in a large orange circle AoE around it. Leaves behind a transparent ring object that applies Fragile.png Fragile when touched.
  • Reverberant Shatter – Spawns crystals from the ground in an area around it that grow then shatter, damaging anything within a small radius of each crystal.
  • Slam – Melee attack that inflicts Crippled.png Crippled.
Stolen skills

Related achievements[edit]

See also[edit]