Destroy the totem foci to stop the Svanir corruption ritual

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Destroy the totem foci to stop the Svanir corruption ritual

Interactive map

Interactive map

Destroy the totem foci to stop the Svanir corruption ritual is a level 72 dynamic event in Highpeaks that occurs after Escort the explosives-laden dolyaks to the Barrowstead. The Vigil is attacking the Dragon totems in the Barrowstead to put an end to the rituals corrupting the area.


  • Totem foci destroyed: x/3
  • Ritual complete in: 5:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,275 Experience.png 342 Karma 80 Copper coin
Silver 10,434 Experience.png 291 Karma 68 Copper coin
Bronze 9,206 Experience.png 257 Karma 60 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 72 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


You must destroy the Dragon totem foci in the three locations. They are protecting the shamans, who are surrounded by shields and cannot be harmed. The Vigil will assist you in combating the enemies in the area.






Event begins
Shaman of Ice: Protect the totem links from any fools who come by while we perform the ritual.
Destroying each Totem Focus
Shaman of Frost: You'll never defeat Dragon!
Shaman of Hail: It's not like I Needed that thing anyway.
Shaman of Ice: It cannot be stopped. Dragon consumes all in its path.
Event success
Shaman of Ice: You'll pay for your foolishness. Die!
Event failure

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