Defend Rimtooth, the pack marmox, from dredge

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Defend Rimtooth, the pack marmox, from dredge

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend Rimtooth, the pack marmox, from dredge is a level 15 event in the Halrunting Plains. Dredge constantly drill from the ground until "Dredge forces remaining" drops to 0%. After successfully completing the event, Oxnard Bonestrap becomes an event merchant found at the Village of Butcher's Block.


  • Rimtooth
  • Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png
  • Dredge forces remaining: x%


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 613 Experience.png 86 Karma 20 Copper coin
Silver 522 Experience.png 73 Karma 17 Copper coin
Bronze 460 Experience.png 65 Karma 15 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 15 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event pre, at Butcher's Block
Terje Strongarm: You let the ale run out! Does this mean the moot is over?
Oxnard Bonestrap: No! It means we go get more! Follow me. We can buy some at Charrgate Haven.
Terje Strongarm: This festival is glorious!
Event pre, at Charrgate Haven
Oxnard Bonestrap: Give me two barrels of your finest ale.
Hajo: Back again? I can't believe any of you can still walk given the quantities you've knocked back.
Terje Strongarm: We're ale-chugging forces of ale-chugging nature!
Oxnard Bonestrap: This ale is for a feast! The grandest of feasts! Meatoberfest!
Hajo: So you said—every time. Enjoy your celebration.
Event start
Oxnard Bonestrap: Whoa! Am I seeing straight?
Dredge Ratnik: We will not be oppressed by the likes of you! Your festival is a poor cover for an attack. Destroy their supplies! They're hiding explosives!
Oxnard Bonestrap: What did he say?
Terje Strongarm: He thinks we're plotting an attack against them, and he thinks your marmox is carrying explosives.
Oxnard Bonestrap: (roar) Take 'em out! Dirty mole rats are trying to ruin our festival!
During event
Oxnard Bonestrap: My marmox isn't carrying explosives! Drill that through your heads!
Oxnard Bonestrap: Get those overgrown rats away from my marmox!
Event success
Oxnard Bonestrap: Yeah! We scared them off!
Terje Strongarm: C'mon. Let's go back to the moot. What do you say?
Oxnard Bonestrap: You got it! Hard earned victories such as ours deserve multiple mugs of fine ale!
Terje Strongarm: Ho, ho! You know me well.
Oxnard Bonestrap: I've got specially brewed ale, here! I dare anyone to take a swig! (laugh)
Event failure
Dredge Ratnik: Your poorly disgused plan will fail without your precious explosives. Retreat to the burrow, and we will celebrate with a festival of our own!
Oxnard Bonestrap: Stupid rats! They've ruined everything! The ale. Meatoberfest. My good mood.
Terje Strongarm: Why don't we just go back to Charrgate Haven and get more from the ale merchant?
Oxnard Bonestrap: Smart thinking. Maybe there's still hope. To Charrgate Haven!


  • If the event fails, the NPCs will return to Charrgate Haven to pick up ale and the event restarts.