Defend Klement and Fabri from pirate thieves

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Defend Klement and Fabri from pirate thieves

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend Klement and Fabri from pirate thieves is a level 37 dynamic event that occurs in Lost Delver's Ridge.


  • Innkeeper Klement
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Fabri the Suspicious
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Pirate Strength: x%


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,948 Experience.png 185 Karma 43 Copper coin
Silver 1,656 Experience.png 157 Karma 36 Copper coin
Bronze 1,461 Experience.png 139 Karma 32 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 37 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Pirate Captain: We need to talk, innkeeper! You've taken something that doesn't belong to you.
Innkeeper Klement: Unless you've dwarven blood in you, I was well within my rights.
Pirate Captain: I don't have time for this nonsense. Hand them over, or we'll take them by force.
Innkeeper Klement: You don't even have a context for what these artifacts are capable of. Leave them be.
Pirate Captain: Force it is, then. Come on out, everyone! It's time for a little pillaging.
Event success
Pirate Captain: That's enough! Fall back. They can keep their precious artifacts...for now.
Fabri the Suspicious: We have to keep the artifact as far from the pirates as possible.
Innkeeper Klement: Well, there's an old agent at Vanjir's Stead who may be able to help...
Innkeeper Klement: But he's been retired a long time. He did specialize in Stone Summit relics, though.
Fabri the Suspicious: Retired is irrelevant here. I'll arrange for a quick civilian transport. Taking it directly is far too risky.
Event failure
Pirate Captain: Ha! You fought well. Just not well enough. Now the artifact's mine, Klement. You should have stayed out of this.
Innkeeper Klement: Stop! You don't know what you're doing!
Pirate Captain: Well let's just see what we've got here. Ooh, spooky. It says: "Lord Ignius of the Eternal! From the depths of the Underworld, we call upon you.
Champion Lord Ignius the Eternal: Who summons me?
Pirate Captain: I did! These fools were trying to keep you bound!
Champion Lord Ignius the Eternal: You are not of the Stone Summit. My pact is not with you! All who breach the pact must be purged.
(Lord Ignius transforms the Pirate Captain and 3 of his pirates into fire elementals, and Defeat the transformed pirates starts.)


  • The Pirate Captain does not attack nor can he be attacked, he simply stands off to the side while the other pirates attack.