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Defeat the Aetherblade leader

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Defeat the Aetherblade leader

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Aetherblade leader is a level 80 group event in Seitung Province.


  • <Champion name>
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.

Bonus rewards



Jade Mech




Haiju Lagoon branch
Shinota Shore branch


Haunted boss at Shinota Shore
Champion Haunted Aetherblade: Oh, I take it you're the law. Or some cheap version of it.
Tai-Young: Excuse me? As an official of the Ministry of Sec— Why am I explaining myself? Get him!
Champion Haunted Aetherblade: They made you an official? Win a raffle or something?
Tai-Young: There's a competitive selection process!
Tai-Young: Wow, you're not even out of breath! You do this all the time?
Tai-Young: I'm going to scout ahead. Seems a lot of them took off north. You go see if the others need a hand.
Tai-Young: I'm coming for ya, pirates! You better watch out! Let's see how fast this thing can - woooooooo!
Rampager boss at Haiju Plains
Champion Aetherblade Rampager: What do we have here?
Mr. Bots: AHHHHH! I have had it with these undue surprises! Initiating rage mode.
Champion Aetherblade Rampager: Go back to your mansion, and stay out of our business!
One of the following:
Mr. Bots: You should be ashamed of yourself!
Champion Aetherblade Rampager: You gonna cry? Run home to your master.
Mr. Bots: This is an insult to the hard work of everyone living here!
Champion Aetherblade Rampager: Snobby bot! Bet you're not even programmed for labor. You're pampered.
Mr. Bots: Watch it! I just had that replaced!
Mr. Bots: I've performed several labor tasks! For example: Processing... Processing... Query results: Zero.
Champion Aetherblade Rampager: What's wrong? Not used to physical activity?
Mr. Bots: How's that for physical activity? "Pampered." Harrumph!
Mr. Bots: Regardless, our work isn't finished. I'll go on ahead.
Mr. Bots: Don't dallyyyyyy!
Assassin boss at Haiju Lagoon
Gwan-Soon: You, get out! Or you'll end up like your friends!
Champion Aetherblade Assassin: Well, you're a feisty one. I like your spunk, kid. Let's see if your skills match your talk.
Champion Aetherblade Assassin: Wow, you're stronger than you look.
Champion Aetherblade Assassin: Shame to let your talent rot away here.
Champion Aetherblade Assassin: You're not bad, kiddo. Wanna join our ranks? Not like you'd be leaving much behind.
One of the following:
Gwan-Soon: I already have somewhere I belong. Do you?
Gwan-Soon: You messed with the wrong village.
Gwan-Soon: Careful! Lasers!
Champion Aetherblade Assassin: Why waste your time on this dump?
Gwan-Soon: Thank you for all of your help.
Gwan-Soon: We should find Tai-Young and the bot. I have a bad feeling this isn't over.
Gwan-Soon: I'll get going. Have to admit, this thing is pretty fun.