Crafting Crier

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Crafting Criers are NPCs that direct players to nearby crafting stations in the city they are in.


Maguuma Jungle
Shiverpeak Mountains


Ready to learn to craft? The trainers can get you started with a crafting discipline and working right away at their crafting stations.
Talk more option tango.png What kinds of crafts can I learn here?
You can become an armorsmith, an artificer, a chef, a huntsman, a jeweler, a leatherworker, a tailor, and a weaponsmith here, though you can only have two crafts active at once.
Talk more option tango.png Who are the crafting trainers, exactly?
Talk more option tango.png What are those crafting stations for?
Talk more option tango.png Wait, will I lose my hard-won training in a craft if I deactivate?
Don't worry. Though you can only have two active crafts at once, deactivating one for awhile won't lose your progress in that craft.
Talk back option tango.png Start over again. What's going on here?
Talk end option tango.png That's a relief. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. Thanks.
Talk more option tango.png Who are the crafting trainers?
Each discipline has an expert trainer standing by at a crafting station to help you learn their craft. If you already have two active crafts, they can help you temporarily deactivate one.
Talk more option tango.png What kinds of crafts can I learn here?
Talk more option tango.png What are those crafting stations for?
Talk more option tango.png Wait, will I lose my hard-won training in a craft if I deactivate?
Don't worry. Though you can only have two active crafts at once, deactivating one for awhile won't lose your progress in that craft.
Talk back option tango.png Start over again. What's going on here?
Talk end option tango.png That's a relief. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Intersting. Thanks.
Talk more option tango.png What are crafting stations?
Once you take up a craft, you can combine components at the crafting station near that craft's trainer to create useful items.
Talk more option tango.png What kinds of crafts can I learn here?
Talk more option tango.png Who are the crafting trainers, exactly?
Talk more option tango.png Where do I find the components to craft items from?
That's a good question for the trainers over there, though there are several options for buying, trading, or gathering materials to craft.
Talk more option tango.png Who are the crafting trainers, exactly?
Talk more option tango.png What kinds of crafts can I learn here?
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the information.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.