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Common Common
Caiwyn the Corsair
Belcher's Bluff
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Decreases percentage of health lost from the next three Drinks.

— In-game description

Boast is a Belcher's Bluff signature move, that can be unlocked by winning against Caiwyn the Corsair. Applies the effect Boast (effect).


  • When activated, characters will shout out one of the following lines, depending on their race and gender.
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura We can put people through a gate to the other side of Tyria, but we can't make them any smarter.
If you believe that, I have some lightly scorched, underground real-estate to sell you.
How many Gods does it take to inspire a human? Oh, too soon?
If anyone has any golem questions, I know some golemancers.
You know what they say: Curiosity pruned the sylvari.
You're a living invalidation of the adage "live and learn."
Math is hard? Hardly.
I once wrote an equation thiiis big.
Two ducks in a bar are reciting logic puzzles. Bartender says, "I can't tell what you're saying." The ducks reply, "You're not supposed to. We're a pair-o'-ducks." (giggle)
Never use safety goggles when a monocle will do.
Stop staring at my ears.
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr Ridiculous. Charr would never be silly!
Friendly fire is never friendly.
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
No plans ever survive contact with an asura.
I said I'm an vegetarian, and the Sylvari fainted.
Be professional, be polite, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Wala wala woo!
I'm as Charr as Charr can be, but I just wanna be me.
These are my claws. There are many like them, but these are mine. They are my warband, they are my life, and I must master them as I master my life.
You think it takes you a long time to dry your hair?
Give me death or give me meat.
And you think it takes a long time to dry your hair.
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Of course the Gods have a sense of humour, have you seen a Quaggan?
So a sylvari walks into a bar. She says, "Ouch!"
I find you frivolous, yet refreshing.
And the sylvari said, "That's my acorn!"
But apparently she said, "moa thigh." Wish I realized that before she slapped me...
How many norn does it take to light a fire? None; norn aren't afraid of the dark!
I'm brilliant and attractive and everyone likes me.
May Grenth lose the directions to your house.
There's nothing like seething joviality!
You hear about the drunk Tamini? He was off centaur.
I cried because I had no shoes... Until I met a man who had no style.
Problem solving is a lot like fighting, they both involve my fists.
Wala wala woo!
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn Dolyaks like food. I like food. Therefore, I am a dolyak.
I'm bigger, better, faster, stronger, meaner, leaner, tougher and more than the rest!
By the hair of my ancestors!
Woofy woofy woofy woofy woo!
Norn norn norn!
I am mightier than the might of all might!
Now that was legendary!
Sometimes I just want to carve little wooden ducks!
To shave a Raven shaman, just pluck him!
It's a good thing there's no Quaggan form.
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari Asuras are fascinating, just ask them.
When I grow up, I want to be an Oakheart!
Weed 'em and reap!
I'd love to get my hands on Charr weaponry, put the petals to the metal so to speak.
Ever wonder what happens when we die? We compost.
That courtier hit too many branches when he fell off the Pale Tree.
I'm a little turret short and stout. Here is my ammo, here is my snout.
Figures, most important day of my life and I have a thorn in my nose.
The most painful lesson I've ever learned? Hmm... Charr tails are not easily detachable.
I can't wait 'til autumn, I always wanted to be a true redhead.
Like what you see? I'm all natural.
A norn told me he worshiped Bear, and I was impressed, until I realized he didn't mean naked.