Living World Season 1 content

Bloodied Journal Entry

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Bloodied Journal Entry

Torn Page 2.jpg

Molten Furnace
(Molten Weapons Facility)
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Bloodied Journal Entry map.jpg

Location on the map.

Bloodied Journal Entry is a book found during the Molten Furnace story step. It is located in the prison section of the facility. It is part of the Investigative Study 1 achievement.

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 1[edit]


Bloodied Journal Entry

We've been here for...By the Wolf, days? Weeks? A month may have passed, but I don't have the slightest idea...

They killed Bakli, Magne's little boy. They dumped his body back into the cell. I...I covered him with my shawl. Closed his eyes. His feet were charred, his arms swollen and red. I haven't been taken for a round of experiments yet, but I fear for the worst when they do. It seems like only a few come back alive, and the others...I hope their deaths were swift, though I'm not ignorant to whatever reality awaits us deeper in the mine.

I can only pray to the spirits that Knut is sending aid.

Related achievements[edit]


  • This book does not have a nameplate.