Blish's Research Notes
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Blish's Notes about a dragon tracker
Blish's Notes about mist rifts
Blish's Research Notes are notes made by Blish. They can be found in Sun's Refuge, near Taimi.
- Crystal Desert
- On the table
Blish's Notes
Snaff's mind-reading device—can we use?
Addendum: device was destroyed during Snaff's death. Need plan B.
Power source? Need long-lasting.
*Ask Taimi about Scruffy power source life span.
Receiver—long range. Options?
Communicator-based? Need to tinker with commander's device.
Could use audio indicator for Kralkatorrik's approach?
**Install blueprints—DO NOT FORGET
**Plan C preparations. Necessary
- On the crate
Blish's Notes
*Ask Taimi about data readings.
How far do rifts travel? How long does travel take?
DEADLY? Unknown. Must research further.
Does one age while in a rift? Does one experience hunger?
**Side Note. Make preparations for Gorrik's birthday party.
The second page of Blish's Notes about a dragon tracker is empty.