Black Lion Weapons Specialist

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Black Lion Weapons Specialists are vendors where players can redeem their Black Lion Claim Tickets. They can be found next to Black Lion Traders in Trading Post buildings in every city and lounge.


Maguuma Jungle
Ring of Fire
Shiverpeak Mountains
The Mists

Items offered[edit]

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Foefire Weapons

Item Cost TP Buy Price TP Sell Price
Foefire Axe.png Foefire Axe Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Dagger.png Foefire Dagger Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Focus.png Foefire Focus Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Greatsword.png Foefire Greatsword Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Hammer.png Foefire Hammer Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Longbow.png Foefire Longbow Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Mace.png Foefire Mace Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Pistol.png Foefire Pistol Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Rifle.png Foefire Rifle Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Scepter.png Foefire Scepter Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Shield.png Foefire Shield Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Short Bow.png Foefire Short Bow Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Spear.png Foefire Spear Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Staff.png Foefire Staff Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Sword.png Foefire Sword Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Torch.png Foefire Torch Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Warhorn.png Foefire Warhorn Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png

General Offerings[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Black Lion Claim Ticket.png Black Lion Claim Ticket Gizmo Rare 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Vintage Black Lion Weapon Box.png Vintage Black Lion Weapon Box Container Rare Black Lion Claim Ticket

Previously offered[edit]


Welcome to the Black Lion Trading Company. If you've got a claim ticket, or enough scraps of one, I can show you some of our rarest and most interesting merchandise.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about new weapon opportunities.
Check back often, as we discover new weapons, or have special ticket pricing on different weapon sets.
Talk more option tango.png Will these weapons always be available?
We endeavor to keep most weapon types available, but as weapon supplies decrease, our prices will rise considerably.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be back.
Talk merchant tango.png I'd like to upgrade my soulbound permanent gathering tool. (If you have old soulbound permanent gathering tools)
Talk end option tango.png I get the gist.
Talk merchant tango.png Show me what you've got.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be back.


  • New Black Lion weapon skins are usually introduced at a rate of one Black Lion Claim Ticket. The price is eventually increased to three tickets, usually at the same time as a new skin is introduced.
  • Skin sets are regularly removed from the vendor to open up space for new sets, but may return in the future. Lauren Kamieniecki hinted in 2015 there might be some improvements to these vendors so that skins are always available.[1]. However, as of 2024, this has not been implemented.
  • To check which skins you have already unlocked, see Black Lion Claim Ticket/Skin unlocks.

