Black Lion Claim Ticket

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Black Lion Claim Ticket.png

Black Lion Claim Ticket

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to exchange for items, or take this ticket to a Black Lion Weapons Specialist.

— In-game description

Black Lion Claim Tickets can be used in exchange for weapon skins at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist in Lion's Arch. The newest skin set introduced to the game costs 1 ticket. With the introduction of the next new set the previous skin sets cost increases to 2 tickets. When more newer skin sets are added the price of older skin sets is increased further to 3 tickets and later on they are completely removed from selection. Skin sets might be reintroduced again later for few tickets or more likely as an uncommon Black Lion Chest drop.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Black Lion Chest Merchant Black Lion Chest Merchant Dwayna High Road
Trade Commons
Trader's Forum
Memorial Quadrant
Interdisciplinary Accessium
Reckoner's Terrace
Outer Ring
Divinity's Reach
Lion's Arch
Black Citadel
Rata Sum
The Grove
The Wizard's Tower
40 Black Lion Statuette
Black Lion Claim Ticket Black Lion Claim Ticket 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Black Lion Representative (Black Lion Chest Merchant) Black Lion Representative   Thousand Seas Pavilion 40 Black Lion Statuette
Black Lion Representative (Weapons Specialist) Black Lion Representative   Thousand Seas Pavilion 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Black Lion Statuette Black Lion Statuette 40 Black Lion Statuette
Black Lion Weapons Specialist Black Lion Weapons Specialist Dwayna High Road
Trade Commons
Trader's Forum
Eastern Ward
Memorial Quadrant
Interdisciplinary Accessium
Snowblind Peaks
Reckoner's Terrace
Divinity's Reach
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Black Citadel
Rata Sum
Gendarran Fields
The Grove
Mistlock Sanctuary
Armistice Bastion
10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Black Lion Weapons Specialist (Halloween) Black Lion Weapons Specialist Fort Marriner
Inner Harbor
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap Requires the festival Halloween.
Black Lion Weapons Specialist (Privateer Weapons) Black Lion Weapons Specialist Eastern Ward Lion's Arch 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Kameela, Black Lion Trader Kameela, Black Lion Trader Bay of Elon Crystal Oasis 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Kixxa, Black Lion Trader Kixxa, Black Lion Trader Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Mezzar Plunderpaw Mezzar Plunderpaw Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 40 Black Lion Statuette

Contained in[edit]


Items offered[edit]

Click here to edit this table

Foefire Weapons

Item Cost TP Buy Price TP Sell Price
Foefire Axe.png Foefire Axe Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Dagger.png Foefire Dagger Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Focus.png Foefire Focus Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Greatsword.png Foefire Greatsword Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Hammer.png Foefire Hammer Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Longbow.png Foefire Longbow Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Mace.png Foefire Mace Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Pistol.png Foefire Pistol Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Rifle.png Foefire Rifle Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Scepter.png Foefire Scepter Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Shield.png Foefire Shield Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Short Bow.png Foefire Short Bow Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Spear.png Foefire Spear Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Staff.png Foefire Staff Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Sword.png Foefire Sword Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Torch.png Foefire Torch Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png
Foefire Warhorn.png Foefire Warhorn Skin 3 Black Lion Claim Ticket.png

General Offerings[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Black Lion Claim Ticket.png Black Lion Claim Ticket Gizmo Rare 10 Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
Vintage Black Lion Weapon Box.png Vintage Black Lion Weapon Box Container Rare Black Lion Claim Ticket

Previously offered[edit]




Gem Store history[edit]