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Assistant Erakshek

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Assistant Erakshek is a skritt and the second-in-command of the group found at the Skritt's Audience in The Scavengelands.


Crystal Desert

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Big Damage


While Retrieve fleeing skritt workers for Boss Takkrakka is active
No more crew! Crew quit! Boss used bombs for digging. Dangerous, very dangerous. Crew said, "No!" and went away. What to do? No more crew to work!
Talk more option tango.png How can I help?
Bring crew back. Need more skritt. More skritt means more brains! Then boss will be smart, very smart. You make crew come back! If crew says no, be tough!
Talk more option tango.png How tough?
Tough! Won't hurt bad- they give up easy. When cre come back, they'll have smarts! Skritt smarter together! Then we solve bomb problem.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, I'll help.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds like a plan.
Talk end option tango.png Not my problem.
After completing the Event Retrieve fleeing skritt workers for Boss Takkrakka
Much thanks! You did good getting the crew together- even earned me a pormotion! Good, good!
Talk more option tango.png Promotion?
Yep, yep. I am the new safety inspector. Safety's very important, so no funny business. Watch for boms, and cover your ears from booms. Yep, yep.Staying safe.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck in your new job.
Talk end option tango.png No problem.