Warden Etain

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Warden Etain


Interactive map

Warden Etain is a merchant in the Village of Astorea, found next to Solitaire Island.


Maguuma Jungle

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Stop termites from consuming the wardenlight tree (2)
Event boss (tango icon).png Stop the giant termite larva from eating the wardenlight tree (2)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Spiky Fruit.png Spiky Fruit Consumable Basic 16 Copper coin


Before the events start
The wardenlight tree grows materials that enhance our weapons and armor. It helps to defend us as we help to defend the Grove and its surrounding areas.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
If Stop termites from consuming the wardenlight tree is occurring
Termites are devouring the wardenlight tree southeast of here. We need someone to go down there and wipe them out!
Tick green.png I can squash bugs!
Great! I've marked your map with the location. Find Arie; she'll be near the tree. She can tell you anything you need to know to help.
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it.
Talk end option tango.png I can't right now.


  • His items become temporarily available after participating in the events. It is not necessary to successfully defend the wardenlight tree in order to buy his items.