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Hello, this will be my user page for this alias, hopefully kept under better maintenance than the rather ill kept Weaponmaster page on GW1 wiki...hheheh.

A little bit about me, I'm 20 years old and just began my career in the United States Army, as a 13R Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator Maintainer,eagerly anticipating the release of Guild Wars 2. Games I've been playing recently are Heroes of Newerth(with varying degrees of suck)as Tirrinar, as well as Guild Wars, Section 8(as Vherak)[PLEASE try this game out it's alot of fun with a good community just not many players, servers crashed a while back and lost a substantial amount over a short period of time. It's also only 20 bucks and with a huge expansion on the way which should be rather cheep woo as well as an optional map release containing 3 maps for 5 bucks or so.] aaaaaaanyway, I've also been playing Dawn of War 2 and World of Warcraft.

Yes yes I know, but it happens to be the only mmo I've found that I enjoy that has an enjoyable warrior class as well as strong PvP (thankfully they are ditching arenas) and I can't stand the luck factors in most Asian MMO's *cough* Aion *cough* If you do play WoW look up Rhogahn on Uther server she's my (new) main replacing Silverheart. WoW is also where I came up with the name Vherak, him being a Draenai Shaman, also on Dragonmaw, good name bad class, and 2 post 70 warriors are enough thank you.

Depending on how Cataclysm works out and how cat's release lines up with GW2 depends on whether or not I continue playing. However ifsome horrible thing comes out with GW2, like Crafting requires slaughtering thousands of monsters to get the materials for 1 sword you'll outlevel getting the mat's or having a chance to fail crafting and thus waste all your money with no result other than a pissed off player. Or a requirement to get to high levels to have a decent number of buttons to push( which is why I am waiting for cat to come out to even think of leveling a paladin, crusader strike at lv 10 ftw) definitely a huge downer when it takes 50% of your leveling process, or more, to get the skills that are the BASE of your "rotation" for the "fun" part of the game, I'm waiting for some MMO's that get that leveling isn't a grindfest but a journey, Most RPG's have gotten this nailed, apparently tacking on MMO to the beginning add's a whole new level of suck to the mix, where you have to get past the "Initiation Phase", before things get interesting. I'm all for learning how skills work together and letting people get used to pressing more than one button but COME ON!...I think that's enough ranting for now.