User:Tolkyria/Item acquisition check

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This template checks item pages within a certain range for potentially missing item acquisition sources, namely if one of the following templates returns a result but is not used on the item page:

  1. {{gathered from}}
  2. {{dropped by}}
  3. {{Sold by}}
  4. {{contained in}}
  5. {{salvaged from}}
  6. {{contained in reward track}}
  7. {{achievement list}} (on default {{achievement box}} is also a legit substitution for {{achievement list}})
  8. {{rewarded by}}

Sometimes the item pages are not using any of these template for good reason, please do not simply replace the currently used acquisition section.

Please note that this is really heavy loaded template and should be used with care.

See also


{{User:Tolkyria/Item acquisition check}}


1 unnamed parameter
Optional. Set to A-Z to limit the selected pages or use "%<searchterm>%", e.g. %Box%.
Optional. List of templates separated by ",". On default, all item acquisition templates are used: gathered from, dropped by, sold by, contained in, salvaged from, contained in reward track, achievement list, rewarded by.
Optional. Limit, defaults to 500.
Optional. Offset, defaults to 0, in order to catch all pages, set this to 500, 1000, etc...
achievement list only OR achievement box only
Optional. If set then it does distinguish between the two templates respectively. Otherwise, if not set, the item page won't be shown if at least one of the templates is used.


{{User:Tolkyria/Item acquisition check|A|offset=0|limit=100}}
{{User:Tolkyria/Item acquisition check|%Box%|offset=0|limit=100}}