materials | Icon | Is tradable | Has minimum usable rating | Mat. storage |
Alpine Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | |
Amethyst Lump | | true | Jeweler (150) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Artificer (200) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Ancient Bone | | true | Leatherworker (400) Armorsmith (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (300) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Ancient Wood Plank | | true | Huntsman (400) Scribe (400) Weaponsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Artificer (350) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Arid Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (400) | |
Armored Scale | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Ascalonian Blueprint | | true | Scribe (225) | |
Ascalonian Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (175) Handiworker (225) | |
Auric Crown | | true | Scribe (350) | |
Auric Sliver | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (325) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Badge of Tribute | | true | Scribe (25) | Scribing Materials |
Bag of Sugar | | true | Chef (0) Handiworker (225) | Cooking Materials |
Barbed Thorn | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (225) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Beryl Crystal | | true | Jeweler (300) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Beryl Orb | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Bolt of Cotton | | true | Armorsmith (150) Tailor (150) Leatherworker (150) Artificer (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bolt of Embroidered Silk | | true | Scribe (50) | |
Bolt of Gossamer | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (400) Tailor (400) Jeweler (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bolt of Jute | | true | Armorsmith (0) Leatherworker (0) Tailor (0) Scribe (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bolt of Linen | | true | Armorsmith (225) Tailor (225) Leatherworker (225) Artificer (350) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bolt of Silk | | true | Armorsmith (300) Leatherworker (300) Tailor (300) Artificer (500) Huntsman (500) Scribe (300) Weaponsmith (500) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bolt of Wool | | true | Tailor (75) Armorsmith (75) Leatherworker (75) Scribe (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Bone | | true | Armorsmith (150) Tailor (150) Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Leatherworker (150) Weaponsmith (150) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Bone Chip | | true | Armorsmith (0) Leatherworker (0) Tailor (0) Artificer (0) Huntsman (0) Weaponsmith (0) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Bone Shard | | true | Tailor (75) Leatherworker (75) Armorsmith (75) Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Weaponsmith (75) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Brilliant Djinn Doubloon | | true | Handiworker (225) | |
Candy Cane | | true | Chef (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (75) Handiworker (75) | Festive Materials |
Candy Corn Cob | | true | Handiworker (225) Scribe (400) | Festive Materials |
Charged Core | | true | Armorsmith (300) Leatherworker (375) Tailor (325) Huntsman (300) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Charged Fragment | | true | Leatherworker (175) Huntsman (75) Scribe (400) Tailor (125) Armorsmith (100) Handiworker (1) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Charged Lodestone | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Armorsmith (400) Weaponsmith (350) Tailor (400) Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Charged Shard | | true | Huntsman (200) Armorsmith (200) Leatherworker (275) Tailor (225) Scribe (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Charged Sliver | | true | Leatherworker (75) Scribe (175) Tailor (25) Huntsman (0) Armorsmith (0) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Charged Titan Ore | | true | Armorsmith (400) Handiworker (75) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Weaponsmith (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Chattering Skull | | true | Artificer (50) Scribe (100) | Festive Materials |
Chrysocola Crystal | | true | Jeweler (300) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Chrysocola Orb | | true | Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Claw | | true | Armorsmith (150) Leatherworker (150) Tailor (150) Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Scribe (150) Weaponsmith (150) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Coastal Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (150) Handiworker (300) | |
Congealed Putrescence | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (400) Tailor (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Copper Ore | | true | Scribe (0) Jeweler (0) Armorsmith (0) Artificer (0) Huntsman (0) Weaponsmith (0) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Coral Orb | | true | Scribe (400) Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Corrupted Lodestone | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (300) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Corrupted Shard | | true | Leatherworker (250) Armorsmith (250) Artificer (275) Huntsman (250) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Cotton Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (150) Leatherworker (150) Scribe (150) Tailor (150) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Crafter's Backpack Frame | | true | Jeweler (0) Scribe (0) Tailor (0) Weaponsmith (0) Armorsmith (0) Artificer (0) Chef (0) Huntsman (0) Leatherworker (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Crystal Core | | true | Armorsmith (325) Leatherworker (300) Artificer (300) Tailor (300) Weaponsmith (325) Scribe (400) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Crystal Lodestone | | true | Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Crystal Shard | | true | Armorsmith (225) Leatherworker (200) Artificer (200) Scribe (400) Tailor (200) Weaponsmith (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Cured Rugged Leather Square | | true | Leatherworker (225) Tailor (225) Artificer (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (275) Scribe (225) Huntsman (225) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Cured Thick Leather Square | | true | Leatherworker (300) Tailor (300) Artificer (400) Armorsmith (350) Huntsman (300) Scribe (300) Weaponsmith (350) Handiworker (1) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Darksteel Ingot | | true | Armorsmith (225) Weaponsmith (225) Scribe (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (225) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Deldrimor Steel Ingot | | true | Huntsman (450) Scribe (400) Artificer (450) Armorsmith (500) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) Weaponsmith (450) | Ascended Materials |
Destroyer Core | | true | Leatherworker (300) Tailor (300) Weaponsmith (350) Artificer (350) Scribe (300) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Destroyer Fragment | | true | Weaponsmith (150) Leatherworker (100) Artificer (200) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Destroyer Lodestone | | true | Huntsman (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Destroyer Shard | | true | Tailor (200) Weaponsmith (250) Scribe (300) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (200) Artificer (275) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Destroyer Sliver | | true | Leatherworker (0) Tailor (0) Weaponsmith (50) Artificer (50) Armorsmith (400) Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Egg | | true | Chef (0) Huntsman (400) Handiworker (225) | Cooking Materials |
Elaborate Totem | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Tailor (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Elder Wood Log | | true | Weaponsmith (300) Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Scribe (100) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Elder Wood Plank | | true | Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Chef (400) Scribe (225) Weaponsmith (300) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Emerald Orb | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Jeweler (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Emerald Shard | | true | Jeweler (225) Scribe (250) Handiworker (150) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Engraved Totem | | true | Leatherworker (250) Tailor (225) Artificer (250) Huntsman (250) Weaponsmith (250) Armorsmith (225) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Essence of Elegance | | true | Scribe (125) | |
Essence of Light | | true | Scribe (0) Handiworker (150) | |
Essence of Time | | true | Scribe (400) | |
Evergreen Lodestone | | true | Artificer (500) Huntsman (500) Weaponsmith (500) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (25) Tailor (400) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Evergreen Sliver | | true | Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Eye of Kormir | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Fang | | true | Armorsmith (175) Leatherworker (175) Artificer (175) Huntsman (175) Tailor (175) Weaponsmith (175) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Feldspar Core | | true | Scribe (250) | |
Festive Transom | | true | Scribe (225) | |
Freshwater Pearl | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (25) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Full Venom Sac | | true | Armorsmith (250) Leatherworker (250) Tailor (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (250) Scribe (225) Weaponsmith (250) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Giant Mushroom Spore | | true | Scribe (75) Handiworker (75) | |
Gibbering Skull | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (250) | Festive Materials |
Glacial Core | | true | Artificer (350) Weaponsmith (350) Armorsmith (300) Leatherworker (300) Tailor (300) Handiworker (300) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Glacial Fragment | | true | Artificer (150) Armorsmith (100) Leatherworker (100) Tailor (100) Weaponsmith (75) Scribe (275) Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Glacial Lodestone | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (150) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Glacial Shard | | true | Leatherworker (275) Tailor (275) Chef (400) Artificer (250) Weaponsmith (275) Handiworker (150) Scribe (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Glob of Ectoplasm | | true | Jeweler (300) Weaponsmith (350) Armorsmith (350) Huntsman (350) Leatherworker (350) Tailor (350) Artificer (350) Scribe (75) Chef (300) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Gold Doubloon | | true | Leatherworker (325) Artificer (275) Scribe (325) Huntsman (450) Tailor (250) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Gold Ingot | | true | Scribe (100) Huntsman (500) Jeweler (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Gossamer Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (500) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Green Wood Dowel | | true | Scribe (0) Artificer (0) Huntsman (0) Weaponsmith (0) | |
Green Wood Plank | | true | Huntsman (0) Artificer (0) Scribe (0) Weaponsmith (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Hard Wood Plank | | true | Scribe (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (225) Weaponsmith (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Hardened Leather Section | | true | Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Handiworker (300) | Basic Crafting Materials |
High-Quality Plastic Fangs | | true | Scribe (250) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) | Festive Materials |
Honey Flower | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (1) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Weaponsmith (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Intricate Totem | | true | Leatherworker (325) Tailor (325) Artificer (325) Armorsmith (325) Huntsman (325) Weaponsmith (325) Handiworker (1) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Iron Ingot | | true | Armorsmith (75) Huntsman (75) Weaponsmith (75) Artificer (25) Jeweler (75) Scribe (75) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Iron Ore | | true | Armorsmith (75) Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Scribe (75) Tailor (75) Weaponsmith (75) Leatherworker (0) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Jade Runestone | | true | Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Jar of Vegetable Oil | | true | Chef (0) Handiworker (75) | Cooking Materials |
Jorbreaker | | true | Scribe (300) | Festive Materials |
Jug of Water | | true | Chef (0) Scribe (0) Weaponsmith (300) Artificer (100) Huntsman (0) | Cooking Materials |
Jungle Grass Seed | | true | Scribe (75) Handiworker (75) | |
Jute Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (0) Leatherworker (0) Scribe (0) Tailor (0) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Karka Shell | | true | Tailor (325) Leatherworker (325) Armorsmith (325) Artificer (325) Huntsman (325) Weaponsmith (325) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Krytan Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | |
Lamp Finial | | true | Scribe (300) | |
Lapis Lump | | true | Jeweler (175) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Artificer (200) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Large Bone | | true | Scribe (250) Leatherworker (300) Tailor (300) Armorsmith (300) Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Weaponsmith (300) Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Large Claw | | true | Artificer (325) Tailor (325) Leatherworker (325) Armorsmith (325) Huntsman (325) Scribe (100) Weaponsmith (325) Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Large Fang | | true | Tailor (300) Leatherworker (300) Armorsmith (300) Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Scribe (100) Weaponsmith (300) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Leaf Fossil | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Ley-Infused Sand | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (75) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Linen Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (225) Leatherworker (225) Scribe (225) Tailor (225) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Lowland Pine Log | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (1) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Weaponsmith (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Lucky Dragon Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Draketail | | true | Scribe (125) | |
Lucky Great Boar Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Dog Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Dragon Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Monkey Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Ox Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Rabbit Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Ram Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Rat Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Rooster Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Great Tiger Lantern | | true | | |
Lucky Rabbit Lantern | | true | | |
Lump of Coal | | true | Armorsmith (150) Huntsman (150) Leatherworker (150) Scribe (150) Tailor (150) Weaponsmith (150) Chef (175) Artificer (50) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Lump of Primordium | | true | Armorsmith (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (225) Leatherworker (225) Tailor (225) Weaponsmith (225) Scribe (200) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Maguuma Lily | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Jeweler (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (225) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Mithril Ingot | | true | Armorsmith (300) Weaponsmith (300) Chef (400) Huntsman (300) Jeweler (300) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (300) Scribe (200) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Mithril Ore | | true | Armorsmith (300) Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Jeweler (300) Leatherworker (300) Scribe (300) Tailor (300) Weaponsmith (300) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Molten Core | | true | Scribe (400) Armorsmith (325) Weaponsmith (325) Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Molten Fragment | | true | Scribe (125) Armorsmith (125) Weaponsmith (175) Handiworker (1) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Molten Lodestone | | true | Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Artificer (400) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) Armorsmith (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (400) Weaponsmith (300) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Molten Shard | | true | Chef (175) Armorsmith (225) Weaponsmith (275) Scribe (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Molten Sliver | | true | Armorsmith (25) Weaponsmith (75) Handiworker (150) Scribe (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Mordrem Lodestone | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (350) Scribe (25) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Mordrem Sliver | | true | Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Mug of Eggnog | | true | Scribe (100) Handiworker (75) | |
Nougat Center | | true | Weaponsmith (400) Artificer (50) Scribe (100) | Festive Materials |
Onyx Core | | true | Artificer (325) Huntsman (325) Weaponsmith (300) Armorsmith (300) Leatherworker (325) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Onyx Fragment | | true | Weaponsmith (100) Armorsmith (75) Artificer (75) Huntsman (125) Leatherworker (75) Tailor (75) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Onyx Lodestone | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Weaponsmith (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (300) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Onyx Shard | | true | Armorsmith (200) Leatherworker (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (225) Weaponsmith (200) Scribe (200) Tailor (275) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Onyx Sliver | | true | Leatherworker (25) Weaponsmith (0) Armorsmith (0) Huntsman (25) Artificer (25) Handiworker (75) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Opal Orb | | true | Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (400) Chef (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Orichalcum Ingot | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (400) Tailor (400) Chef (400) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Packet of Salt | | true | Chef (0) Huntsman (400) Handiworker (225) | Cooking Materials |
Palm Lumber Core | | true | Scribe (50) Handiworker (150) | |
Piece of Candy Corn | | true | Jeweler (125) Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Weaponsmith (75) Armorsmith (75) Chef (0) Leatherworker (75) Tailor (75) Scribe (250) Handiworker (75) | Festive Materials |
Piece of Mother-of-Pearl | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (400) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Piece of Zhaitaffy | | true | Scribe (200) Chef (400) Artificer (400) | Festive Materials |
Pile of Coarse Sand | | true | Huntsman (500) Scribe (0) Jeweler (400) Weaponsmith (300) Handiworker (75) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Crystalline Dust | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Chef (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (75) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Filthy Essence | | true | Tailor (225) Armorsmith (250) Huntsman (275) Artificer (275) Scribe (100) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pile of Foul Essence | | true | Scribe (225) Armorsmith (150) Artificer (200) Huntsman (175) Tailor (125) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pile of Incandescent Dust | | true | Jeweler (350) Huntsman (300) Scribe (300) Artificer (300) Leatherworker (325) Armorsmith (325) Tailor (325) Weaponsmith (300) Chef (400) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Luminous Dust | | true | Jeweler (275) Leatherworker (250) Artificer (225) Scribe (75) Weaponsmith (225) Armorsmith (250) Tailor (250) Huntsman (225) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Putrid Essence | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (50) Handiworker (225) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pile of Radiant Dust | | true | Jeweler (200) Huntsman (150) Scribe (150) Leatherworker (175) Tailor (175) Armorsmith (175) Artificer (150) Weaponsmith (150) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Shimmering Dust | | true | Jeweler (125) Artificer (75) Scribe (0) Huntsman (75) Tailor (100) Leatherworker (100) Armorsmith (100) Weaponsmith (75) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pile of Soiled Essence | | true | Armorsmith (50) Artificer (50) Huntsman (75) Scribe (100) Tailor (25) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pile of Vile Essence | | true | Tailor (325) Armorsmith (350) Huntsman (375) Artificer (350) Scribe (400) Weaponsmith (350) Handiworker (150) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Plastic Fangs | | true | Artificer (125) Huntsman (400) Scribe (225) | Festive Materials |
Platinum Doubloon | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (450) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (325) Weaponsmith (450) Armorsmith (400) Handiworker (300) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Pouch of Black Pigment | | true | Scribe (200) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Blue Pigment | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Brown Pigment | | true | Scribe (0) Handiworker (300) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Green Pigment | | true | Scribe (100) Artificer (400) Handiworker (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Orange Pigment | | true | Artificer (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Purple Pigment | | true | Scribe (125) Artificer (400) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Red Pigment | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (75) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of White Pigment | | true | Scribe (100) Handiworker (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Pouch of Yellow Pigment | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Scribe (100) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Powdered Rose Quartz | | true | Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Powerful Venom Sac | | true | Artificer (400) Scribe (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Pristine Feather | | true | Scribe (150) Handiworker (300) | |
Pristine Toxic Spore Sample | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Chef (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (325) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pruning Shear | | true | Scribe (125) | |
Pulsing Brandspark | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (300) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Pumpkin Smasher | | true | | |
Quartz Crystal | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Scribe (100) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (150) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Rare Flower Seed | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Resonating Fragment | | true | Scribe (175) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Resonating Lodestone | | true | Artificer (450) Scribe (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Resonating Sliver | | true | Scribe (0) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Rotted Titan Amber | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (1) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Jeweler (400) Weaponsmith (400) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Ruby Orb | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Rugged Leather Section | | true | Armorsmith (225) Huntsman (225) Leatherworker (225) Scribe (225) Tailor (225) Weaponsmith (225) Artificer (200) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Sapphire Orb | | true | Jeweler (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (150) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Sawgill Mushroom | | true | Chef (400) Scribe (50) | Cooking Materials |
Seasoned Wood Dowel | | true | Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Scribe (125) Weaponsmith (150) | |
Seasoned Wood Plank | | true | Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Scribe (150) Weaponsmith (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Sharp Claw | | true | Armorsmith (250) Tailor (250) Artificer (250) Huntsman (250) Leatherworker (250) Scribe (225) Weaponsmith (250) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Sheet of Fine Paper | | true | Scribe (150) | Scribing Materials |
Sheet of Premium Paper | | true | Scribe (400) | Scribing Materials |
Sheet of Rough Paper | | true | Scribe (75) Artificer (450) | Scribing Materials |
Sheet of Smooth Paper | | true | Scribe (225) | Scribing Materials |
Silk Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (300) Leatherworker (300) Scribe (300) Tailor (300) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Silver Ingot | | true | Jeweler (75) Scribe (50) Huntsman (500) Weaponsmith (500) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Slab of Red Meat | | true | Chef (0) Artificer (25) Huntsman (400) Handiworker (75) | Cooking Materials |
Sliver of Twitching Forgemetal | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Small Fang | | true | Armorsmith (100) Leatherworker (100) Tailor (100) Artificer (100) Huntsman (100) Weaponsmith (100) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Smooth Scale | | true | Leatherworker (225) Armorsmith (225) Artificer (225) Huntsman (225) Tailor (225) Weaponsmith (225) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Snow Diamond | | true | Artificer (400) Scribe (400) Weaponsmith (500) Handiworker (150) | Festive Materials |
Snowflake | | true | Artificer (25) Chef (25) Huntsman (25) Weaponsmith (25) Armorsmith (25) Leatherworker (25) Tailor (25) Jeweler (50) Handiworker (75) | Festive Materials |
Soft Wood Dowel | | true | Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Scribe (75) Weaponsmith (75) | |
Soft Wood Plank | | true | Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Scribe (50) Weaponsmith (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Spiritwood Plank | | true | Weaponsmith (450) Huntsman (400) Armorsmith (500) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) Chef (425) Artificer (450) Scribe (400) | Ascended Materials |
Spool of Gossamer Thread | | true | Tailor (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Artificer (500) Scribe (200) Huntsman (500) Handiworker (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Spool of Jute Thread | | true | Armorsmith (0) Leatherworker (0) Scribe (25) Tailor (0) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Spool of Linen Thread | | true | Armorsmith (225) Scribe (125) Leatherworker (225) Tailor (225) Handiworker (150) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Spool of Silk Thread | | true | Armorsmith (300) Tailor (300) Leatherworker (300) Scribe (225) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Stabilizing Matrix | | true | Huntsman (500) Weaponsmith (500) Scribe (0) Artificer (450) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (300) | Ascended Materials |
Standard Maintenance Oil | | true | Handiworker (300) | |
Steel Ingot | | true | Armorsmith (150) Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Weaponsmith (150) Jeweler (400) Scribe (150) Leatherworker (500) Tailor (500) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Stein of Hearty Ale | | true | Scribe (50) Handiworker (75) | |
Sugar Pumpkin | | true | Chef (225) Huntsman (400) Handiworker (75) | Cooking Materials |
Sunstone Lump | | true | Jeweler (150) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (225) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Superior Rune of Divinity | | true | | |
Superior Rune of Hoelbrak | | true | | |
Superior Rune of Rata Sum | | true | | |
Superior Rune of Snowfall | | true | | |
Superior Rune of Strength | | true | | |
Superior Rune of the Citadel | | true | | |
Superior Rune of the Eagle | | true | | |
Superior Rune of the Grove | | true | | |
Superior Rune of the Krait | | true | | |
Superior Rune of the Pack | | true | | |
Tale of Adventure | | true | Handiworker (300) | Advanced Crafting Materials |
Tattered Bat Wing | | true | Scribe (300) | |
Thermocatalytic Reagent | | true | Armorsmith (450) Artificer (100) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (450) Tailor (450) Chef (425) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (300) Scribe (200) | Ascended Materials |
Thick Leather Section | | true | Armorsmith (300) Artificer (300) Huntsman (300) Leatherworker (300) Scribe (300) Tailor (300) Weaponsmith (300) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Thin Leather Section | | true | Armorsmith (75) Artificer (75) Huntsman (75) Leatherworker (75) Scribe (75) Tailor (75) Weaponsmith (75) Handiworker (75) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Topaz Lump | | true | Armorsmith (400) Jeweler (150) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Handiworker (150) | Gemstones and Jewels |
Totem | | true | Tailor (175) Artificer (175) Armorsmith (175) Huntsman (175) Leatherworker (175) Weaponsmith (175) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Tub of Wood Glue | | true | Scribe (50) Handiworker (1) | Scribing Materials |
Tyria's Best Nougat Center | | true | Armorsmith (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Scribe (250) | Festive Materials |
Venom Sac | | true | Tailor (150) Armorsmith (150) Artificer (150) Huntsman (150) Leatherworker (150) Weaponsmith (150) Scribe (150) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vial of Linseed Oil | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Chef (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (0) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vial of Potent Blood | | true | Tailor (325) Leatherworker (325) Artificer (325) Armorsmith (325) Scribe (100) Huntsman (325) Weaponsmith (325) Chef (400) Jeweler (400) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vial of Powerful Blood | | true | Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Jeweler (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vial of Thin Blood | | true | Leatherworker (100) Scribe (75) Tailor (100) Armorsmith (100) Artificer (100) Huntsman (100) Weaponsmith (100) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vicious Claw | | true | Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (400) Artificer (400) Huntsman (400) Leatherworker (400) Tailor (400) Weaponsmith (400) Scribe (400) Handiworker (225) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Vicious Fang | | true | Artificer (400) Jeweler (400) Leatherworker (400) Huntsman (400) Weaponsmith (400) Armorsmith (400) Tailor (400) Handiworker (300) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Visage of Balthazar | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Visage of Dwayna | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Visage of Grenth | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Visage of Kormir | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Visage of Lyssa | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Visage of Melandru | | true | Scribe (400) Handiworker (300) | |
Watchwork Sprocket | | true | Jeweler (400) Armorsmith (175) Artificer (175) Huntsman (175) Leatherworker (175) Tailor (175) Scribe (350) Weaponsmith (175) Handiworker (150) | Intermediate Crafting Materials |
Wintersday Gift | | true | Scribe (375) | |
Wool Scrap | | true | Armorsmith (75) Leatherworker (75) Scribe (75) Tailor (75) Handiworker (1) | Basic Crafting Materials |
Xunlai Electrum Ingot | | true | Scribe (400) Jeweler (400) | Ascended Materials |