Race: Asura
Profession: Elementalist
Origin: Rata Sum
Eye Color: Peach
Hair Color: Beige
Skin Color: Cinnamon
Skin Markings: Moss Green
College: Synergetics
Order: Durmand Priory
Birthday: August 25, 2018
Age: 6 years and 152 days
- I am Tia Techbrain
- Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with dignity. I'm a member in good standing of the College of Synergetics.
- My first invention was a Transatmospheric Converter, and one day, my adoring fans will say that I have surpassed even my first advisor, Councillor Canni.
- I'm an elementalist, and I study all the elements. I wear a gym that symbolizes my love of earth.
- This is my story.
- Incarnate
Trouble may follow, but I use my Dignity to overcome it.
This user studies all the elements, but they wear a gem that symbolizes their love of earth.
This user's first advisor, the one who taught them everything they know (almost), was Canni.