
From Guild Wars 2 Wiki
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Engineer 04 concept art.png Thief 04 concept art.png Necromancer 05 concept art.png Elementalist 04 concept art.png GW2Logo new.png Warrior 04 concept art.png Ranger 04 concept art.png Guardian 04 concept art.png Mesmer 04 concept art.png
Engineer Engineer Necromancer Elementalist Home Page Warrior Ranger Guardian Mesmer

NOTE: This is a fully customisable Template
If you do not wish to change a particular styling please remove the line of code
e.g. if you dont want to change the image for egineer remove the line
| enimage =
leaving it blank will result in blank space or style choice
also note that this template will change slightly after the reveal of the last profession

If all you want is a simple navigation with no style changes just add your username to the code below and paste it into your page

| Username = 

If you want the page names to show your character names use this code

| Username = 
| Engineer name =
| Thief name =
| Necromancer name =
| Elementalist name =
| Warrior name =
| Ranger name =
| Guardian name =
| Mesmer name =
| Home =

This code contains the full list of style changes you can make to this template

| Username = 
| Engineer name =
| Thief name =
| Necromancer name =
| Elementalist name =
| Warrior name =
| Ranger name =
| Guardian name =
| Mesmer name =
| Home =
| backgroundcol =
| bordersize =   <!-- enter 0 for no border -->
| borderstyle =
| bordercol =
| font =    
| fontsize = <!-- enter 100 for 100% -->
<!-- for font colours see 1st 2 letters  e.g. enfontcol will change the font colour for your engineer -->
| enfontcol =
| thfontcol =
| nefontcol =
| elfontcol =
| wafontcol =
| rafontcol =
| gufontcol =
| mefontcol =
| homefontcol =
<!-- for image changes see 1st 2 letters  e.g. enimage will change the image for your engineer -->
| enimage =
| thimage =
| neimage =
| elimage =
| waimage =
| raimage =
| guimage =
| meimage =
| homeimage =