User:Serge Yseron/SelectedMemories 121

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Snow White, Disco queen[edit]

Now that i have some time after a rather hot wvw session, here are some thoughts i have in regard to missions, players and anet in general:

When i played this fractal with a group (my first time in this fractal):

- More experienced players (who wouldnt go there if less than 4 people) lazily gave inacurate infos. It's not their fault, even with the best intentions you cant do a good job of explaining things trhough with the console chat. It's simply not suited for explaining long missions in details, or even in advance, if missions are randomly selected.
- Players constantly argued about the necessity to equip this or that. It becomes a problem when a)it's not true b)players warn about kicking other players because of their belief

When i played this fractal alone (my second time in this fractal):

- This time I did understood snowblind because i did not have angry people to urge me to reapeat actions they themselves were told to carry out without understanding why. As a result my actions had a purpose, were clear and precise: i did have fun. This is why anet recommend to play with friends, so that everyone is on the same level of respect and understanding in regard to what's going on. They also allow PUGs to play which is normal and even a necessity. But if you do, make things clear for PUGs. Veterans do not need explainations but if you count on wki or willing experienced players to fill the gaps, you missed the moon by a solar system in term of appealing to the greater number.
- All i had to do when lost in the blizzard was to look at the mini map and head back to the fire camp. That said i thought that logicly, the map would be obfuscated so as to be consistent with the blizzard effect on the screen. Some did try to use a compass and a map with near zero visibility in real life. A one way jump of a few miles... But on another hand, since i was alone, it was welcomed.


- Tiny icons displaying a small text like "if you are reading this you are probably already dead" at the end of a long paragraph while receiving the related atomic bomb on the head.. that is to say, if you are hovering the icons. If your intent is truely to warn people, do it properly or dont do it at all. Because when a warning looks like a post-mortem joke, at best, players will want to kill you. As a result players often burn their dodges on minor attacks and read icons once downed, the only state during wich they have the luxury to do so if it's their first encounter. Now i understand that it's part of the MMO culture to have obscure bugged mechanics that guaranty that players will be one-shot at least once during a first encounter, but i wouldnt bet my life with any player equiped with a gun that he appreciate.

Things that piss me off at the moment:

- Having my line of sight being obstructed when i shoot an arrow at a target that is on the same flat terrain than me.
- The probability of doing 10 non crit shots in a row with 70+% crit chance because every one knows that in pvp, you have the time to shoot 100 arrows in a 4 seconds window (on a target that have no crit immunity).
- I will pass on being able to carry 55 suplies in wvw
- The fact that when there is too many people in wvw, the only thing we can do is spam 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... (in wvw it's known as "spam one", commanders often make fun of anet by mimicking it out of context)

But at least we dont die any more while walking down stairs....

User Serge Yseron rated T for teletubies.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 15:13, 4 August 2015 (UTC)

Hammer dance[edit]

Let's do it

User Serge Yseron why not.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 19:48, 6 August 2015 (UTC)